Tuesday, February 23, 2010

March Bake Sale thus far...

Hello friends!
Just an FYI on the bake sale for March. Please start planning ahead to help sell for the sale! Ha!

Friday, March 5, 2010
10am-4pm outside of the Trani Life Sciences Building: Marketing Panel attending has not been decided yet, but if you are able to come and help please comment here and let us know!
The same day, but 6pm-9pm at Quirk Gallery. Sara D. and Griffin will be there, but again... if you can attend to help please comment here!

The baking of goodies will be done by Ashleigh, Courtney, Griffin, Sara D., Karen, and Jenn. This is so pastries are of the same consistency. I'm sure any additional help would be great, please comment here if you would like to assist with baking!

Finally, all baking will be funded by our own Senior "Treasure Chest". We will keep a constant update on this blog of where we stand financially as time progresses and costs accumulate. This is just to make sure everyone is in the "loop".

Any questions or concerns, email me or comment on the blog.
Thanks all!


  1. "The baking of goodies will be done by Ashleigh, Courtney, Griffin, Sara D., Karen, and Jenn."

    this means that the rotation schedule and all that is NO LONGER in effect. No one is required to bake...no one is required to pay money for goods.

  2. I went grocery shopping the other night and bought ingredients to make two batches worth of cupcakes for upcoming bake sales. Can I still bake them for March 5 so I don't have them in my house, begging me to eat them? :) I bought a box of devil's food and white confetti.

  3. Also, I should be able to volunteer for the 10-4 bake sale.
