Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Display Case Rotation

Hi all!
Your Admin. Panel had a nice productive meeting today, so I hope your own panels are doing the same!
We discussed the display case rotation (which we made an executive decision and everyone must participate), we also made one Admin. Panel Member the "go-to" for the other panels. Any information needed for this blog must go through YOUR panel's Administrator so they can post.

Marketing/Promotion/Funding Panel: Your go-to is Niki Cash and Anna Tingle.
Exhibition/Juror Panel: Your go-to is Michael Archer.
Events/Coordinators Refreshment Panel: Your go-to is Sarah Hauser.
Book/Postcard Panel: Your go-to is Patrick Phillips.

**please check the blog post titled, "Important Dates" so you know what you're doing in your panel**

Display Case Rotations will be switched in and out every Monday at 9:00AM. If you do not show for your date to take down or put up, there may be consequences for your work and/or grade. :-) The Admin. Panel will be present each Monday to assist hanging or if you can't make it please contact your Administrator. We will also provide NAME TAGS ONLY for a cohesive look...but individual titles for work and hanging supplies will be up to you. All imagery, title labels, etc. MUST be gallery ready, keeping a professionally, clean, finished eye in mind.

1. Monday, February 15th- Monday, Feb. 22nd
Patrick Phillips
Niki Cash
Michael Archer
John Cameron
2. Monday, February 22nd- Monday, Mar. 1st
Sarah Hauser
Anna Tingle
Kaitlin Vaughan
Chris Pittman
3. Monday, March 1st- Monday, Mar. 8th
Jake Cunningham
Rebecca Arnold
Cassie Mulheron
Marion Glass
4. Monday, March 8th- Monday, Mar. 22nd (Two weeks up because of Spring Break)
Kerry McDonnell
Amber O'Hara
Fallon Williams
Arlie Trowbridge
5. Monday, March 22nd- Monday, Mar. 29th
Karen Carlson
Shannon Crooks
Griffin Davis
Sara D'Eugenio
6. Monday, March 29th- Monday, Apr. 5th
Ashleigh Hobson
Courtney Mannion
Cassie Meier
7. Monday, April 5th- Monday, Apr. 12th
Ashley Selbe
Dena Sussman
Janpim Wolfe
8. Monday, April 12th- Monday, Apr. 19th
Jenn White
Justin Lewis
Erin Robertson

---Remember, every Monday at 9:00AM. Plan accordingly, we gave tons of time in advance! KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOUR ADMINISTRATOR and THIS BLOG SO EVERYTHING WILL RUN OH SO SMOOTHLY!

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