Friday, April 1st the book panel will be dropping of the postcard files for proofing. The proof should be back to us by Mon., April 4th. We as a panel will review and correct any obvious errors. The final files for the postcard will be submitted Fri., April 8th.
Attached in this email are possible templates for the book page layout. We need the following from you:
Attached in this email are possible templates for the book page layout. We need the following from you:
1) 8x10" (landscape) canvas for the right page, 300 dpi
2) 8x3" (portrait) canvas for the left page, 300 dpi (this is optional)
3) artist statement no longer than 4 or 5 sentences (can be written in the body of the email).
Include all of these items in ONE email per person. The default background is white, if anyone wants a border of a different color (which must be accounted for in the 8x10 file) it must already be a part of the image file. If you do not wish to If you do not wish to have an image on the left page (8x3) please state it in your email.
Please name your files like the following example (full name and page location):
To summarize, we need one email with the two jpg files attached and the artist statement in the body of the email.
The book proof will be submitted on Friday, April 8th.
*Again, Lanvi must receive the 28 emails by Monday, April 4th, at 12:00PM.
-Lanvi Nguyen