Hey everybody,
The marketing panel has figured out all the details on the upcoming raffle for the Wii bundle. The raffle will begin tomorrow March 4th at First Fridays during the bake sale. Christina will work the table from 6-8, and then Sandra will take over, and shut down. The tickets, which are receipts with name, email and phone number, will be sold for $5 each or 2 tickets for $7.
After First Fridays, we are hoping to keep the contest open until March 21st, the Monday after Spring Break. We are going to need volunteers to walk around the campus and sell tickets next week (7th-11th) as well as to possibly sell the baked goods leftover from the bake sale. Please comment on this post to tell us if and when you can volunteer so we can have enough receipt books and envelopes. Ideally we would like to meet with the people around 11 to hand out the tickets books, etc. in order canvas the campus between 11am and 5pm, but if you can only do part of this time or can’t meet at those times please contact Kimberly Burgess or Christina Jeffers or really anyone from the marketing panel to coordinate. During next week, we are hoping to get a table in the commons either on Fat Tuesday or March 10th (If anyone knows about how to get a table and who to talk to please comment). On the note on Fat Tuesday, feel free to use selling raffle tickets as an excuse to bust out the beads and masks (I know I’m going to). Over Spring Break, if you want to keep selling raffle tickets on your own that’d be awesome just contact Christina Jeffers to figure it out. Please sign up because we are going to definitely need some help.
We will hopefully be posting soon about the table at the commons.
I'd like to get some tickets to sell at my work and such for spring break and I'm available to sell on campus on Weds. before my 6pm class if anyone wants to group up sometime then?