Monday, April 19, 2010

Space Cleaning Requirement

Hey everyone,

We need to work together to clean the gallery space.

Tom's class is required to go to the space every Thursday (9-11:20) to CLEAN. Seriously, guys. He takes roll.

From what has been relayed to the admin panel, no one in Paul's class showed up last Wed or today to help clean. This is unacceptable. It has been discussed among the admin group that Paul's class should attend the space this Thursday during the same hours as Tom's class to help. If you have class during this period, you are excused, but everyone should be trying to do their part in the preparations.

When you show up, bring supplies.

Brooms, swiffers, vacuums, scrub brushes, screw drivers, hammers, and WATER (for mopping) are all supplies we need. We have buckets and mops for the floors and spackle for the walls. We also need someone to bring in sandpaper to finish the spackling.

Contact your admin representative if you have any questions.



  1. Who is in charge of letting people in the building for Paul's class? I tried to clean last week and noone was there( that I could find.) If I know someone will be there, I will go. Can whoever has the key for Paul's class pretty please post on the blog or email the class when they will be there, (and include their phone number) in case people cannot get in. I want to help, I just need to know someone will be there! :)

    Thanks :)

  2. Contact your admin representative. They should be able to get you access to the building. Also, don't go to the building to clean alone. We want everyone to be safe. Plus it's more fun with lots of people!

  3. I also tried to go last week but no one was there. I called Niki about it and she said not to worry since most people were probably trying to finish up stuff for panel review. I thought I was on the same page as everyone else.

  4. A lot of people showed up the first day but no one was there with the key. I don't blame them for not going again with the expectation they would not be able to get in. My stuff is at the space ready to clean but I can't make it Thursday mornings.
