Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This is the final word on this..! :-) yay

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What it is

Today the admin panel decided what everyone's space would be in the gallery! We did the best we could to pick most peoples first of second choice. While this is basically the final layout, trades will be allowed with the approval of the admin panel (and obviously both parties). Remember the map is not to scale, let me know if anyone sees any errors or anything that needs correcting.

We are going to have a number labeling each person going clockwise around the gallery, so we need everyone's name of each of your pieces so that we can make a master list to had out at the door. For example spot #1 might be Ashley Selbe, and her pieces would be 1A, 1B, 1C and so on. Simply your name and each pieces name is all I need. You can email me or post it as a comment.

Thanks all and good team work the last two days!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Final Installation Requirement Dates

Below are a list of final dates (confirmed with Tom and Paul) concerning the senior show installation. They are set in stone! You are all getting notice of these final dates with plenty of preparation time. No excuses.

Number of prints to display: "Use the space appropriately." If you want to show exactly five prints, request a space in which five of your prints (whatever size you print) would look good in. If you want to show seven, take that into mind. Make sense?

Monday 26th
Paul's class will be meeting during class time at the gallery space to go over final installation locations. Everyone will choose two (three at most) ideal locations for the installation of their work. Niki will be in charge of writing them in an organized manner in reference to a map of the space (map being made this weekend). We only ask that you please be mindful of the size of your prints when considering location choice. After recording locations, the class will continue to clean the space.
See recent posts for what cleaning materials to bring

Tuesday 27th
Tom's class will be meeting during class time at the gallery space to go over final installation locations. Again, 2-3 preferred locations to be recorded per person. Cleaning the space follows.
See recent posts for what cleaning materials to bring

12:00pm: The Admin Panel meets at the gallery space to consider everyone's location choices and fairly work out who is going where. AKA: You will know by the end of this meeting where you are putting your work up.

Wednesday 28th
Paul's class meets again during class time in the gallery space. You MUST have your lights/extension cords/surge protector strips at the location by this date. If you do not have hot lamps at the location by this point, consider yourself not having lights for the final show. This is NOT negotiable. The class time will be spent preparing for the installation of lights. This means running extension cords through the ceiling to power outlets and placing your surge protectors in the ceiling above your installation location. Actual light installation will take place at a later date. Work as a team to help each other... there are only one-two step ladders. Check power outlets instead of assuming they work.

Thursday 29th
Tom's class meets during class time in the gallery space for pre-light installation. You MUST have your lights/extension cords/surge protector strips at the location by this date. If you do not have hot lamps at the location by this point, consider yourself not having lights for the final show. This is NOT negotiable. Run extension cords through ceiling, etc (see Wed 27th for more details).

Friday 30th
10:00AM-3:00PM: Final light installation! Everyone will be clamping their lights in final locations. Install your final work in your space. This will allow you to position your lights exactly as they need to be. You may take your work down after your lighting is complete so it doesn't have to stay up all week. We have an office that locks, so everyone can store their work in portfolios safely.

If you have a legitimate reason not to be at the location during these hours, there will also be a two hour period on Saturday (10:00AM-12:00PM). If your lights are not hung by this time, you will not be in the show. If you still have a commitment you cannot avoid this weekend, you may give explicit instructions to a classmate for your entire installation. This is not recommended, but sometimes things are unavoidable.

Saturday 1st
10:00AM-12:00PM: Final light installations for students that cannot make the Friday schedule. Read Friday 29th (above) for details.

If your lights are not hung by this time, you will not be in the show.

Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th
Final cleaning takes place all day long (specific times will be given at the time draws near). Last minute mopping, vacuuming, glass cleaning, etc. Set up tables for food, post cards, books. Put up show posters, etc.

Hang your final work back up. You have already installed it once at this point, so re-hanging will not take long.

All preparations are done by Thursday afternoon. No installation/set-up will be left for Friday the 7th.


Final Critique Notices:

Tuesday May 11th
9:00AM-4:30PM: Tom's class will present final semester work to Paul's class. All of Paul's class must be present in Pollack at this time. Tom's students will show up for their presentation slot with plenty of set-up/take-down time. These times are TBA soon.

Wednesday May 12th
9:00AM-4:30PM: Paul's class will present final semester work to Tom's class. All of Tom's class must be present in Pollack at this time. Paul's students will show up for the presentation slot with plenty of set-up/take-down time. These times are TBA soon.

SUPER IMPORTANT: If you have an exam during any of these time slots, please e-mail your teacher ASAP to inform them.

Some of Tom's amazing juniors will also be attending our critiques. They will be silent, but will be writing comments down to give presenters.

Thank you for reading until this point. If you didn't, your work will probably suffer.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Three Best In Show! and more stuff!

Hey guys,
Great job today, I thought everything went really well! Panel members, peers and professors seemed very pleased with everything!
As for the three students who received The Best In Show, congratulations!

Michael Archer
Kaitlin Vaughan
Amber O'Hara

Verrrry impressive! :-)
You all will be able to present your entire series and also able to display wherever you'd like in the gallery space.

More info....

Thursday, April 23rd: All Seniors please try to attend clean up at 9AM. THIS INCLUDES PAUL'S CLASS. If you have a scheduling conflict, this is fine.
Best in Show will pick the space of their choice this day.
The remainder of students will have spaces decided and "posts-it noted" on walls by Monday, April 26th. From that day on you may install your work when you're ready. Lighting and such is included in the "installing your work". If you need keys, contact the administrator of your panel (Patrick, Niki, Sarah H., Michael, Chris)
Thursday, May 6th.... Everyone, please have work up and everything will be finalized and ready by 8pm. This includes tables, etc. for food/bevs./postcards/books. Everything, means everything. Friday should be the day to relax and enjoy the show. Stress should officially end on May 6th!!!!!

Questions/concerns/etc. please email or comment below!

Good Job!

I am very impressed with all of you. All of the panelists that I spoke with had great things to say about individuals and the group as a whole. It seems like most of you had a good experience today as well. Before your head gets filled with other thoughts take a moment to write down both the positive and negative comments you received today. The speed at which the panelists words will be replaced with televised-pop-plastic-fluff will be shocking. You have all worked hard to get to today and it showed in your work, your presence, and your confidence.

Teacher Tom is one proud guy right now. Well done!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Space Cleaning Requirement

Hey everyone,

We need to work together to clean the gallery space.

Tom's class is required to go to the space every Thursday (9-11:20) to CLEAN. Seriously, guys. He takes roll.

From what has been relayed to the admin panel, no one in Paul's class showed up last Wed or today to help clean. This is unacceptable. It has been discussed among the admin group that Paul's class should attend the space this Thursday during the same hours as Tom's class to help. If you have class during this period, you are excused, but everyone should be trying to do their part in the preparations.

When you show up, bring supplies.

Brooms, swiffers, vacuums, scrub brushes, screw drivers, hammers, and WATER (for mopping) are all supplies we need. We have buckets and mops for the floors and spackle for the walls. We also need someone to bring in sandpaper to finish the spackling.

Contact your admin representative if you have any questions.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cleaning The Space Part II: Update

Today Tom's class met to clean the space from 9-11:30ish. We re-swept the main entrance, cleared cobwebs, changed the burnt out light bulbs (some of the lights in the entrance just plain DON'T WORK), and mopped the entree way (we need to do it again). There is some crust that won't come off the floor in the entree way so we need a spackle knife or something to scrape up the hardened plaster on the floor. We also got the overhead lights ready for the day of the show (the in house lights, not the clamp lights).

There is a note above the light switches in the gallery space explaining the lighting situation for the show.

We are keeping the middle strip of overhead lights on for the show and letting the hot lamps light up the rest of the space.

REMEMBER: Everyone is required to bring/buy 3 hot lamps of a med size (8 1/2 inches or so) with your name on it.

More than ever we are going to need extension cords. Put your name on those as well. If more cords are brought in, that means less of our hard-earned money has to go to gallery supplies. This means everyone could possibly be looking at refunds... in the long run... we hope.

If someone could bring in a hammer to get the nails out of the entree way wall, that would be great.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cleaning The Space

So everyone should have heard about cleaning the space during senior port class time. Tom is requiring his class to be there on Thursdays.

Remember: Admin panel members have keys, so contact your representative to gain access to the building.

The admin panel met today at the space and wanted to express the importance of not only showing up to clean the space, but showing up prepared. Below is a list of tools/appliances you could voluntarily bring for just a day (or longer) to help clean the space.

-Broom + dust pan
(the more the BETTER)
-Extension cords (for vacuum and future light installation- label with your name if you leave at the bank)
-Windex + Paper Towels (glass doors, windows)
-Trash bags
-Sand paper
(for smoothing out spackle that has been filled or left)
-Spackle + knife
-Dust mask or bandanna
(it has gotten really dusty)

We have found two mop buckets AND mops, so we just need hands for mopping. We also already have soap for the floors. Jake brought in some water for the mopping as well.

We also already have a ladder on location.

We have already removed all nails and screws, but it wouldn't hurt to bring screw drivers or hammers just in case. We have also filled in most of the holes with spackle.

We also need to look into getting the carpet steam cleaned or renting a steam cleaner. Does anyone have any inside help on this? Otherwise, this is something we need to discuss in congruence with the budget. Steam cleaning the carpet also means needing water...

I looked at the Home Depot website (you can rent carpet cleaners) and it looks like it is $19 to rent a carpet cleaner for 4 hours and $27 for 8 hours. There is a damage waiver of $1.90. Any other ideas? Cheaper ideas?

Bring supplies!!!

Buying Hot Lamps URGENT!

In dealing with the issue of hot lamps, everyone will be required to buy 3 hot lamps. The size that everyone should purchase is the medium size, which should be around 8 and a half inches.
If you go to Lowes or Home Depot, they should be around $8 for one, and they come with a clamp.
We will use some of the money that we raised for buying similar bulbs in each of the lamps. IF you already have some, then you shouldn’t worry about buying any more. As long as everyone has 3, we should have enough to cover the walls in the space we are using.
One more thing, please have your name on them, and get the m to the space, either via one of the administration panel members (Nikki C, Michael A, Chris P, Sarah H, or Patrick P) or take them to the space physically on one of the days that your class goes to the space to clean.
Thanks a lot guys.

Michael Archer (Administration Panel)

Monday, April 12, 2010

This is what we've been waiting for! Really Long, READ IT ALL! SERIOUSLY!!!!

Hey guys!
This is a time line for the remainder of the semester, some minimal information may be different on a person by person basis. For the most part this is it though!

Monday, 4/12: Paul's class attend space for gallery clean up 12-2:20pm. Individual meetings come when available.
Tuesday, 4/13: Tom's class attend space for gallery clean up 9-11:20am. Individual meetings come when available.
Wednesday, 4/14: Paul's class attend space for gallery clean up 12-2:20pm. Individual meetings come when available.
Thursday, 4/15: Tom's class attend space for gallery clean up 9-11:20am. Individual meetings come when available.
Friday, 4/16- Sunday, 4/18: All classes attempt to come by the space for clean up. Call your admin. if you need the key.

**Poster info from the Marketing Panel**
Hey everybody,
MARKETING PANEL here, and we are ready to get posters printed to advertise our show. I've done extensive pricing research after KINKOS quoted me $400 to have stuff printed, and have found this out:

5x7 $ .63
11x17 $ 2.48
16x20 $16.00
30x40 $60.00

Mounting for 30x40
Fancy mount $75.00

5x7 $ .50
16x20 $11.00
30x40 $41.25

Mounting for 30x40
Foamcore $35.00
Mat Board $25.00

12"x18" $2.99
5"x7" $0.39
16x 20 $5.99

30x40 $19.90
(mounting is $18.50, but it increase shipping by $60.00)

$4 per sq foot + paper (mine is about $2/foot)
5x7 $1.46
11x17 $7.79
16x20 $13.33
30x40 $50.00


50 5x7 @ COSTCO $.39 /EACH = $19.50
20 11x17 @ KINKOS $2.48/ EACH = $49.60
3 16x20 @ COSTCO $5.99/ EACH = $17.97
2 30x40 @ ELCO $19.90/ EACH = $39.80 + $13.50 shipping ($26.65/ EACH)

$10 to mount ourselves...
163.52 + 5% TAX

Comment if you know cheaper, better ways to do this.

Posters should be ready and printed by this time (end of this week 4/17) and ready for posting! Keep your ear to the blogs for updates on how to help with posting!

Monday, 4/19: Paul's class attend space for gallery clean up 12-2:20pm. Individual meetings come when available.
Tuesday, 4/20: Tom's class attend space for gallery clean up 9-11:20pm. Individual meetings come when available.
**Paul's class: In professional binder and uploaded on critique blog, 5 prints (8x10), sketch or photograph of installation, artist statement DUE.

Wednesday, 4/21:
Professional Panel Review Day

**FYI: Everyone, we have open spots for additional meetings. Any blank spaces without a paired name is available for additional reviewing. If you are interested in having a meeting with more professionals please EMAIL NIKI CASH IMMEDIATELY with TIME and PRO. PANEL REVIEWER**

7:45AM: Jenn, Jenny, Karen, Courtney, Cassie Meier and anyone else who wants to assist: Be at room 305 with 9 tables and 18 chairs set up with space between each table. Chairs on both sides of each table. (These will be used for the professional panel). Tables located on side of room, set and prepared for food displays with proper utensils, napkins, drinkware etc.

Breakfast at the moment will include: -Panera Bread two orders of 14 bagels and 2 spreads @ $12.00 each.

-Fruit Platter @ price unknown


Tables for reviewers will include (provided by Administration Panel):

-Pencils/pens at each table

-copies of evaluation forms at each table

-nametags of reviewers at each table

-timeline for each individual reviewer of student names

8:30AM: Erin Robertson: please inform Robert Hobbs, Francis Thompson, John Henley, Jeffrey Allison, Chip Mitchell, Gordon Stettinius, Christian Detres, Lee Brauer and Suntek Chung to arrive by this time to get situated and have snacks!

All students: Please provide gloves if you are worried your work could be damaged. Portfolios should be ready for review and easy to pack. Exhibition portfolios should not look sloppy/weak (e.g. grocery bags taped together) or disorganized (prints rolling up).

Fallon Williams, Marion Glass, Jacob Cunningham, Jenn White, Kerry McDonnell, Dena Sussman and Ashleigh Hobson please arrive at this time to prepare for the first meeting at 9:00.


Fallon Williams and Robert Hobbs

_____________ and Francis Thompson

_____________ and John Henley

Marion Glass and Jeffrey Allison

Ashleigh Hobson and Chip Mitchell

Jacob Cunningham and Gordon Stettinius

Dena Sussman and Christian Detres

Jenn White and Lee Brauer

Kerry McDonnell and Suntek Chung

After each meeting Niki Cash will ask reviewers to drop finalized evaluation forms in a sealed envelope to be delivered to Paul Thulin at the end of the day.

Niki Cash, Marion Glass, Kerry McDonnell, Chris Pittman, Jenn White, Patrick Philips, John Cameron and Jacob Cunningham please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 9:25.


Chris Pittman and Robert Hobbs

Jenn White and Francis Thompson

Jacob Cunningham and John Henley

Patrick Philips and Jeffrey Allison

Kerry McDonnell and Chip Mitchell

_____________ and Gordon Stettinius

Niki Cash and Christian Detres

John Cameron and Lee Brauer

Marion Glass and Suntek Chung

Chris Pittman, Patrick Philips, Niki Cash, Karen Carlson, John Cameron, Jacob Cunningham, Ashleigh Hobson and Amber O’Hara please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 9:50.


Amber O’Hara and Robert Hobbs

Jacob Cunningham and Francis Thompson

John Cameron and John Henley

Karen Carlson and Jeffrey Allison

Cassie Mulheron and Chip Mitchell

Niki Cash and Gordon Stettinius

Ashleigh Hobson and Christian Detres

Patrick Philips and Lee Brauer

Chris Pittman and Suntek Chung

Niki Cash, Courtney Mannion, Sara D’Eugenio, Cassie Mulheron, Dena Sussman, Jacob Cunningham, Karen Carlson, Sarah Hauser and Patrick Philips please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 10:15.


Patrick Philips and Robert Hobbs

Sarah Hauser and Francis Thompson

Karen Carlson and John Henley

Jacob Cunningham and Jeffrey Allison

Dena Sussman and Chip Mitchell

Cassie Mulheron and Gordon Stettinius

Sara D’Eugenio and Christian Detres

Courtney Mannion and Lee Brauer

Niki Cash and Suntek Chung

Ashleigh Hobson, Dena Sussman, John Cameron, Sarah Hauser, Cassie Mulheron, Erin Robertson, Sara D’Eugenio, Jenny Wolfe please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 10:40.


Ashleigh Hobson and Robert Hobbs

Dena Sussman and Francis Thompson

____________ and John Henley

Erin Robertson and Jeffrey Allison

John Cameron and Chip Mitchell

Sarah Hauser and Gordon Stettinius

Cassie Mulheron and Christian Detres

Sara D’Eugenio and Lee Brauer

Jenny Wolfe and Suntek Chung

Cassie Meier, Jenny Wolfe, Courtney Mannion, Ashleigh Hobson, Rebecca Arnold, Fallon Williams, Michael Archer, Erin Robertson and Jenn White please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 11:05.


Jenn White and Robert Hobbs

Erin Robertson and Francis Thompson

Michael Archer and John Henley

Fallon Williams and Jeffrey Allison

Rebecca Arnold and Chip Mitchell

Ashleigh Hobson and Gordon Stettinius

Courtney Mannion and Christian Detres

Jenny Wolfe and Lee Brauer

Cassie Meier and Suntek Chung

Courtney Mannion, Cassie Meier, Erin Robertson, Kaitlin Vaughan, Michael Archer, Rebecca Arnold, Ashleigh Hobson, Ashley Selbe and Shannon Crooks please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 11:30.


Shannon Crooks and Robert Hobbs

Ashleigh Hobson and Francis Thompson

Ashley Selbe and John Henley

Rebecca Arnold and Jeffrey Allison

Michael Archer and Chip Mitchell

Kaitlin Vaughan and Gordon Stettinius

Erin Robertson and Christian Detres

Cassie Meier and Lee Brauer

Courtney Mannion and Suntek Chung

Jenn White, Jenny Wolfe, Cassie Meier, Karen Carlson please clean up breakfast items and replenish with lunch items. Morning reviewers will want food. When afternoon reviewers arrive at 12:30PM they may want snacks as well. Keep this in mind when replenishing foods and stocking enough food/drink/etc.

Meetings commence until 1:00PM.


Erin Robertson please inform Veronica Gerber, Eric McMaster, Ashley Kistler, Dan Currier, Susan Worsham, Issac Harrell, Chris Crumley, Ed Pollard and Maggie Smith to arrive at this time to get situated and have time to eat if they would like.

Ashley Selbe, Cassie Meier, Marion Glass, Griffin Davis, Erin Robertson, Dena Sussman, Kerry McDonnell and Shannon Crooks please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 1:00.


Shannon Crooks and Maggie Smith

Kerry McDonnell and Ed Pollard

Dena Sussman and Chris Crumley

Erin Robertson and Issac Harrell

Griffin Davis and Susan Worsham

_____________ and Dan Currier

Marion Glass and Ashley Kistler

Cassie Meier and Eric McMaster

Ashley Selbe and Veronica Gerber

Sara D’Eugenio, Griffin Davis, Shannon Crooks, Jenny Wolfe, Erin Robertson, Rebecca Arnold, Ashley Selbe, Courtney Mannion, Kaitlin Vaughan please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 1:25.


Courtney Mannion and Maggie Smith

Kaitlin Vaughan and Ed Pollard

Ashley Selbe and Chris Crumley

Rebecca Arnold and Issac Harrell

Erin Robertson and Susan Worsham

Jenny Wolfe and Dan Currier

Shannon Crooks and Ashley Kistler

Griffin Davis and Eric McMaster

Sara D’Eugenio and Veronica Gerber

Karen Carlson, Justin Lewis, Arlie Trowbridge, Dena Sussman, Sara D’Eugenio, Griffin Davis, Ashley Selbe and Kaitlin Vaughan please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 1:50.


Kaitlin Vaughan and Maggie Smith

Ashley Selbe and Ed Pollard

Griffin Davis and Chris Crumley

Sara D’Eugenio and Issac Harrell

Dena Sussman and Susan Worsham

____________ and Dan Currier

Arlie Trowbridge and Ashley Kistler

Justin Lewis and Eric McMaster

Karen Carlson and Veronica Gerber

Ashleigh Hobson, Karen Carlson, Amber O’Hara, Justin Lewis, Arlie Trowbridge, Fallon Williams, Dena Sussman, Griffin Davis and Marion Glass please arrive at this time for meetings at 2:15.


Marion Glass and Maggie Smith

Griffin Davis and Ed Pollard

Dena Sussman and Chris Crumley

Fallon Williams and Issac Harrell

Arlie Trowbridge and Susan Worsham

Justin Lewis and Dan Currier

Amber O’Hara and Ashley Kistler

Karen Carlson and Eric McMaster

Ashleigh Hobson and Veronica Gerber

Amber O’Hara, Michael Archer, Cassie Meier, Niki Cash, Kerry McDonnell, Arlie Trowbridge, Fallon Williams and Sarah Hauser please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 2:40.


Sarah Hauser and Maggie Smith

Fallon Williams and Ed Pollard

______________ and Chris Crumley

Kerry McDonnell and Issac Harrell

Niki Cash and Susan Worsham

Cassie Meier and Dan Currier

Michael Archer and Ashley Kistler

Amber O’Hara and Eric McMaster

______________ and Veronica Gerber

Justin Lewis, Kaitlin Vaughan, Chris Pittman, John Cameron, Sarah Hauser, Jenn White, Cassie Mulheron, Patrick Philips and Amber O’Hara please arrive at this time for meetings at 3:05.


Amber O’Hara and Maggie Smith

Patrick Philips and Ed Pollard

Cassie Mulheron and Chris Crumley

Jenn White and Issac Harrell

Sarah Hauser and Susan Worsham

John Cameron and Dan Currier

Chris Pittman and Ashley Kistler

Kaitlin Vaughan and Eric McMaster

Justin Lewis and Veronica Gerber

Jenny Wolfe, Chris Pittman, Kaitlin Vaughan, Michael Archer, Justin Lewis, Shannon Crooks, Cassie Mulheron and Arlie Trowbridge please arrive at this time to prepare for meetings at 3:30.


Arlie Trowbridge and Maggie Smith

Cassie Mulheron and Ed Pollard

Shannon Crooks and Chris Crumley

Justin Lewis and Issac Harrell

___________ and Susan Worsham

Michael Archer and Dan Currier

Kaitlin Vaughan and Ashley Kistler

Chris Pittman and Eric McMaster

Jenny Wolfe and Veronica Gerber



Niki Cash, Jenn White, Jenny Wolfe, Fallon Williams and Amber O’Hara please clean up any remaining food items. Push tables along the sides of the room for students to return and place work on the tables for the Juror.


ALL SENIORS BRING UP TO 5 IMAGES FOR THE JUROR TO DECIDE WHAT BELONGS IN THE SHOW. Room 305. If you have an installation, a photograph of the installation counts as one image. These images should be the “real images” that would be displayed in the show.

Important: When entering room 305 fill out the sign in sheet for your work(s).

**What to bring with your work for the juror:

1) Artist statement/Special Instructions Sheet

2) List of your works. (Title, Medium)

add boxed for accepted or not accepted

3)Admin. Panel will provide large nametags for each student to place with their work.

4) Titles and artist name on each of the works

The Juror, Gina Cavallo Collins will pick 3 Best in Show. These 3 will be able to present the entirety of their works in the space of their choice at our show.

Please come pick up your work by 7PM.

Thursday, 4/22: Tom's class attend space for gallery clean up 9-11:20pm.

Friday, 4/23- Sunday, 4/25: Clean space when available.

Monday, 4/26: Best in Show should most likely be announced by now. Student may being putting work up and lighting for the show. Clean up will most likely still be in effect as well.

The Week of 4/26-3/2 there will be an official cleanup day/lighting/decide where everyone will be located in the gallery space. DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED.

Thursday, May 6th: ALL WORK/EVERYTHING/LIGHTING MUST BE UP AND FINISHED BY 8PM. This is so no one is running around at the last minute. Plan ahead now and figure out how everything will work out.

Friday, May 7th: Show Opening!

Refreshments Panel is still in the process of getting a Banquet License so we are able to have alcoholic beverages, etc. at the space. Postcards/books etc. will be displayed as well. Refreshments Panel: Arrive at 4:30 to prepare for show, Admin. Panel and others will most likely be there too.

Our poster/sign will be displayed at entrance and ropes blocking off where people will not be venturing into the gallery space. We should also make signs with arrows and I heard a sandwich board for Broad Street is in the making? Marketing Panel, get at us!

Show ends at 9ish. Take down date of show will be decided soon.

Final Critique for Paul’s Class will be:

Tuesday, May 11th and Wednesday, May 12th. 9AM until 4PM each day.

Tom's class... er not sure! TBA!

Comments? Questions? Concerns? COMMENT BELOW!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lighting Update

Hey everyone,

Not sure how we're gonna do the hotlamps yet, but Mike and I went around the space the last couple days and roughly estimated out that the show at a minimum will call for at least 70 hotlamps to be used. I guess that there needs to be some budgeting to see where the money should be going with regards to this, but honestly hotlights are very cheap and anyone who contributed lamps would obviously get to keep them after the show. Logistically it makes more sense for everyone to just purchase their own, it's how we did it last year and it worked out pretty well. I know that money is tight for everyone, but this is a sort of funny situation where this class for once is asking us to spend money on something that we can actually use after we graduate. Everyone should have a set of hotlamps anyways so individual buying gets my vote, but I'm sure that will be disagreed with by some. Either way 70 lamps at the least is what we need, and if some of you want to go ahead and start buying some, by all means do so. Just make it known how many you are picking up by either commenting on this post, or contacting either me, or Michael Archer. Also make sure that they have clamps and are the average "medium" size found at most hardware stores.

We have to be careful with our money if we decide to dedicate a large chunk of it to something that we could easily purchase on our own (ie. hotlamps) then we could run the risk of ending up shallow on purchasing other supplies (paint, lightbulbs, extension cords, cleaning products, etc.) that we probably need more than we think right now.

Panel Day Food Prep

Hey everyone,

The refreshments panel is curious if anyone has a few nice platters they could lend for the panel review day. It has been decided that bagels are being purchased for breakfast from Panera: 14 bagels and two spreads for about $12 (two of these packages). They are also looking into a fruit platter. Tea and coffee are still the plan as well.

Groovin' Gourmet is still being looked into for lunch, but the refreshment panel is waiting to hear about food budgeting. I will keep everyone updated on the plans for lunch as they come in.

If you have a platter that you can lend, please contact me (Sarah) or Cassie Meier!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hey guys!
This is going to be the last opportunity to vote for your favorite posters! Please select your favorite TWO posters from the given designs. Leave a comment with your choices!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Cleaning... and Lighting

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in getting this up, but better a little late than never right? Anyway the space needs to be cleaned! Now I know we all are busy but time definitely needs to be found to get this done. It seems to me that the most sensible thing to do would be to get as many people possible together from each individual class together during or around their class time. So that being said, it would be expected on Tuesdays and Thursdays that whoever from Tom's class is available should be at the space roughly around the parameters of their classes time. So Tuesdays and Thursdays would be cleaning duty for Tom's class and Mondays and Wednesdays would be cleaning duty for Paul's. Now I know Paul's class occasionally meets a bit more often than Paul's, but a schedule could easily be adjusted in those situations.

Also, aside from cleaning we need to determine as a group "officially" what parts of the space we want to use for the show? How we want to light those spaces? and, How we logistically can light such spaces (ie. hot lamps)? So, if possible I'd like for all of you to comment on this post and give answers to the following questions:

1. Do you think we should use both the obvious office space area and the grand entryway? Or, just the office space area? One choice concentrates the visitors into a very easy and readable "gallery space" while the other offers a more unique and challenging experience for the viewer, possibly overshadowing the actual work on display (plus there are the flooding issues). You choose!

2. No matter how question #1 ends up, we'll have the majority of the show in the office space area of the bank. That being said, how do we want to light it? Do we want to leave the fluorescent bay lights alone and have a show in that space as is (not my choice), or do we want to add lighting of our own (this gets my vote)?

3. Following up on question #2. Hot lamps would be the obvious choice if we chose to do the lighting ourselves. Just to get some sort of headcount, how many hot lamps do each of you own? If you do, would you be willing to lend them to the show?

OK, thanks everyone! If all goes to plan our first official cleaning day should be this coming Monday!

Weekly Display Case Reminders!

This week's display case features:

Ashley Selbe
Dena Sussman
Janpim Wolfe

See you at 9AM at the display cases! And those of you who showed this past week, please meet us there as well!
-Love, niki!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Reviewer Bios: Please Vote

The following are the 18 confirmed portfolio reviewers that have stated their intent to be at our portfolio review on April 21st 2010. Next to each portfolio reviewers name, it states whether they are avialable in the morning shift (scheduled from 9a.m. to 12p.m.), afternoon shift (scheduled 1p.m. to 4p.m.), or either. There is also a small bio for almost all of the reviewers, and the others can be looked up by yourselves if you are interested.

What i need everyone to do is to send me an email, (as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated) telling me your top 5 choices for reviewers to look at your work. Each student will meet with 3 reviewers, for 20 minutes each.

I am trying to have this done by monday, so that i can bring in a finalized timetable for everyone by tuesday of next week, so please send me an email soon!

Veronica Gerber (afternoon shift)
Photography teacher and Head of Art Department at Atlee High School.
Veronica Gerber is a photography teacher and the head of the art department at Atlee High School. She received her MFA cum laude from the University of Michigan with a double major of graphic design and art education. She went on to receive her MIS (masters of interdisciplinary studies in art) from VCU. She was the art director at WVUE abc Michigan and WTVR cbs Richmond for ten years each and then went on to teach art at Maggie Walker Governors School and Atlee High School. She has received several recognitions for her teaching and her passion for the education and growth of young artists is incomparable.

Eric McMaster (afternoon shift)
Sculpture Professor at VCU and working artist.
R. Eric McMaster received his BA from The Pennsylvania State University and went on to receive his MFA from Arizona State University. Currently McMaster is an Assistant Professor and Computer Technician for the Sculpture + Extended Media department of VCU. He has shown nationally and internationally and is included in the Ted Decker collection and Harwood Art Center Permanent Collection. R. Eric McMaster’s ideas take shape through photographs, videos, installations, performances, and sculptures. His work habits range from solo laborious stints in the studio, to elaborate productions that involve 20 or more persons. Competitive sports are the current vehicle through which McMaster’s ideas of manipulation, social hierarchies, and the individual versus the collective are brought to life.

Lee Brauer (either)
Commercial Photographer
Lee Brauer Photography specializes in photography of people and their spaces for the Advertising, Architectural and Corporate communities. With twenty years experience Mr. Brauer creates images that grab your attention. As a founding member of the Central Virginia ASMP he is an active leader in the photographic community. If you need photography of humongous man-made objects or the people that make or live in them give him a call.

John Henley (morning shift)
Commercial Photographer
John Henley attended the San Francisco Institute of Art where he was inspired by places like Big Sur and fell in love with landscape photography. Currently based out of Richmond, Virginia, Henley continues to make images of beautiful landscapes but also professionally specializes in architectural photography. Not only is Henley one of the most successful commercial photographers in Richmond, but he is also well received all over the country. In addition to his job as a commercial photographer, Henley also teaches at VCU.

Isaac Harrel (either)
Art Director of Special Publications for Richmond Magazine
Isaac Harrell is the Art Director of Special Publications for Richmond Magazine, and also a "semi- professional" photographer. Harrell has worked as an art director for many different agencies around Richmond and occassionally will photographs for them as well. Isaac Harrell describes his own experience with photography as: "when I have something to say, I draw or paint. When I shoot, I try to shut up and listen."

Jeffrey Allison (morning shift)
Paul Mellon Collection Educator, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Jeffrey Allison has worked as the Paul Mellon Collection Educator at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts since 1997. As part of his job as the Paul Mellon Collection Educator, Jeffrey travels up and down the east coast giving lectures and on everything from Parisian Art to Manuel Alvarez Bravo. He attended VCU for photography and has continued shooting and selling to this day.

Chip Mitchell (morning shift)
Commercial Photographer, President at American Society of Media Photographers
Specializing in lifestyle and portrait photography, Mitchell prefers black and white to color any day. He describes black and white photography as superior because it "eliminates the distraction of color." He also prides himself on being able to tell stories with his pictures, and began as a filmmaker, and managed to teach himself still photography. He is currently the president of the American Society of Media Photographers, an association of photographers who mostly shoot for commerical and publication purposes.

Chris Crumley (either)
Commericial Photographer, American Society of Media Photographers Board Member
Chris Crumley describes himself as an "under/ over" photographer. This means that he specializes in images that are taken half above water and half over water. His underwater specialty skills allow him to have some pretty unique experiences, including working as an assistant to Annie Leibovitz during a Florida shoot. Crumley began as a computer technician before he transitioned into photography, and because of his prior computer experience excels in digital photography. He is currently working on a mermaid series.

Suntek Chung (either)
VCU sculpture alumni, accomplished artist
Suntek Chung is an accomplished artist who attended both VCU and Yale University. He currently teaches in the VCU sculpture department, and was recently interviewed by Art in America. Through most sculpture and photography Chung explores the east-west divide by utilizing religious and cultural iconography. Suntek's work is both humerous and intellectual and is steadily climbing further and further into artworld fame.

Ed Pollard (either)
Museum photographer for the Chrysler Museum of Art an art photographer
Ed Pollard graduated from the University of Virginia with an english degree and then moved to New York City where he taught himself photography. In New York he assisted several fine art gallery photographers and got the chance to meet famed artists such as Robert Frank. He moved to Richmond and then to Norfolk, VA where he now resides as the museum's photographer. He continues to make art on an almost daily basis, likens his work to that of the new topographers- but gets most of his artistic inspiration from cinema.

Ashley Kistler (afternoon shift)
Director of the Anderson Gallery
Ashley Kistler is and has been a very prominent figure in the Richmond art scene since the 1980s. She has served as the curator of modern arts for the VMFA, worked as the director for the Visual Arts Center in Richmond, and is currently the curator of the Hand Workshop Art Center and the director of the Anderson Gallery. Ashley has also organized, curated and juried over 100 shows.

Christian Detres (either)
Project Manager for Vice magazine
Christian Detris has contributed to Richmond Arts through his positions at RVA magazene where he has worked since 2005. He worked as the marketing and sales director and also as the brand director. He had prior editing experience including his job as a fashion editor for Chew On This magazine. He currently is working as the project manager for Vice magazine, which is dedicated to indie and youth culture with a lot of importance placed on current art trends.

Francis Thompson (morning shift)
Capital 1 Art Buyer

Maggie Smith (either)
Curatorial Administrator for Quirk
Maggie Smith is not only a well known Richmond artist, but also currently holds the position of curatorial administrator for Quirk gallery. Maggie's art is "quirky" mixed media and creates such things as felted plant life. She has exhibited in all of the important galleries of Richmond.

Robert Hobbs (morning shift)
Art Historian
In addition to his position at VCU, Robert Hobbs has taught at Yale and Cornell. As an art historian, he specializes in modern and post modern art. He is widely published, and has curated many exhibitions which include shows at the Whitney and the Brooklyn Museum of Art.

Dan Currier (afternoon shift)
Dan Currier is a freelance photojournalist who formerly taught at VCU. Some of his clients include Richmond Times Dispatch, People, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Getty Images. Currier says that "t he idea of finding and telling stories of unique people in their varied social situations has always been [his] goal."

Susan Worsham (afternoon shift)
Susan Worsham is a fine art photographer who grew up right around the corner at 15 Bostwick Lane in Richmond, Virginia. She has been recently receiving great recognition and accolades for her work in "Some Fox Trails In Virginia." Susan speaks about her series:

"This series of photographs is taken in and around Virginia, the place in which I grew up. The title comes from a book written by my father's ancestor, to show the lineage of the Fox family in Virginia. For my own purpose, it acts as a metaphorical map, of the rediscovered paths of my
childhood home.
At the age of 34, I came back to Virginia to care for my mother, who died shortly after my return. As the last of my family passed, I turned my lens to old friends, and their new families. I photographed the house in which I grew up. The man that lives there now houses snakes in my father's old office, and rests them in my old bedroom, while he changes their cages. My mother always promised that there were no snakes in my room, and now that she is gone, there are. A hearse sits in my childhood driveway, representing the passing of my father, and suicide of my brother.
These photographs are not meant to be purely autobiographical, but rather representations
of how I view things, based on my own experiences, and those of the people that I have met along the way. My boyfriend Michael, stands on the street I grew up on, bridging the gap between past and present. Lynn, the first stranger that ever sat for me, continues to pose for me, along with her son Max. I have been photographing her for sixteen years now."

Gordon Stettinius (morning shift)
Gordon Stettinius is a working and established fine art photographer from Richmond, Virginia and is currently being represented by the Robin Rice Gallery in New York City. Gordon obtained a B.A. in Studio Art at The University of Virginia. Gordon is an adjust Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, Freelance Photographer and Board Member at the 1708 Gallery. His resume is extremely impressive boasting publication, grants, exhibitions, and awards...

The sooner you get to me, the easier this whole process goes, so please send me (MICHAEL ARCHER) an email with your top 5.

Thanks again guys!

Thanks to Exhibition/Review group!

Posted by Michael Archer.