Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Left Over $$

Hey guys,
We are almost done! But there are a few things to tie up still, for one- what do we do with the remaning 240 some dollars we have in the class account.

Here are some options:

1. Divide evenly among class to partially repay for books, we would each get approx. $8?

2. Divide among Best in Show?

3. Class party?

4. Donate to department?

5. Some combination of this?



  1. Can we buy thank you presents for tom and paul???

    if not I think we should donate to the department.

  2. Pay for books or get Tom and Paul Presents

  3. UPDATE: only $173 in the account now. More books were ordered and one more receipt! that means $5.90ish per person...kinda silly.

    I vote # 3 or 5!

  4. After the books that got sold are replaced (has this happened yet?) I definitely vote for #3!!!

  5. Get Tom and Paul something.... a couple's massage?!!! Hahaha kidding. But no, seriously. I think it would be nice.

  6. .... nice to get them something or maybe we could throw a party and make it mandatory that they come and enjoy it as well...

  7. i agree. $5.90 is not enough to want back. let's either do something for paul and/or throw a party for them to attend!
