Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gift for the Owners, Keys to Space, Gallery 5 Clean Up

Hey Everyone!

I think with the left over money we need to get a gift for the owners of the space. (Apparently it is not the Ukrops family as we had thought but a "Jamaal" something.) They are paying for the electricity there and I think we all know that that is not going to be a cheap bill this month. I have e-mailed Tom Robinson inquiring about how to go about this and what he thinks would be appropriate. I was thinking a gift certificate to a nice restaurant in a substantial amount ($150?). Any other ideas?

In regards to the space, I'm going to be meeting with Tom Robinson next Thursday (5/20) to return all the keys. (We may want to think about getting him something small too.) I would like to have all the keys back by Wednesday night (5/19), which means that everyone needs to have all their stuff out and clean by then. I have talked to the building manager and we do not need to repaint walls or fill nail holes but please do remove your nails, screws and velcro. We need to have all trash out and return moved things to their original places (exp: blue prints, ladders, fans, etc.). Everyone needs to help with this. If you have a truck, please contact your admin person about arranging a time to get a group together to help get all the trash out (there's lots!) - if we can do it all at once that would great! Also, the building manger was concerned about the doors to the courtyard being left open. We cannot do that anymore. When we first came to the space there were chains on those doors to "lock" them. Anyone know what happened to them?! If you have a key, please get it to myself or Niki by Wed night.

I have contacted Amanda Robinson of Gallery 5 to arrange a day(s) next week (M-Th) for us to go in there and volunteer. Depending on what they need it may be one day when as many of us go as can, or a few days that a few people go at a time. I will make a blog post as soon as I hear back.

Thanks guys! Let me know if you have any questions!


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