Thursday, March 25, 2010

Update (3/25/2010)

Since the Painting/Printmaking Dept. Graduates needed to find out an answer as soon as possible, we decided the vote was most accurate. According to the vote, having the Painting/Printmaking in our show will happen. I apologize if you feel indifferent but voting is the most fair way of playing. WE ARE IN AMERICAA! *in southern accent* ha..!!! Did that make sense? funny? maybe? That was my attempt at trying to lighten the mood here...anyways. Here is some information Erin Robertson discussed with me...

-The PP Grads. will be opening their show one week prior to First Fridays. In that case we have two options, this will also be a majority vote in deciding: should we open our show one week prior as well and have it up for two weeks or stick it out until the last minute and present for one week?
-We will notify them as to where we want to present our work. It is to my understanding we have first priority. They have requested where they want their work, but it is our decision. This will be an even stronger voice towards the PP Grads. on our picks, if we have our show up at the same time. There will be no room for discussion on their part because we will be up as well.
-We will tell PP Grads. to contribute to cleaning of the space financially and physically. The Marketing Panel perceives the total costs for cleaning will be around $300-$400 dollars. We will contact the PP Grads. as ask for half of the costs. PRIOR to the show. (We are running a business here, no free shit yall!)
-We will have the key, they will not. (At the moment..unless the landlord makes them a copy) In that case we will decide in an organized manner, dates and times to go to the location for clean up. The PP Grads. will adhere to our time. To avoid any problems of our "asses being on the chopping block".
-Finally, I think. Well, for now. Erin is contacting the landlord and deciding on a time that is good for him when ALL (Photo. Seniors and PP Grads.) to come to the space and get an 'fyi overview, rules and regulations' of the space. The date will be next week sometime, and it will be posted as soon as the information is received. If you are unable to come, your opinion on what rooms we will have and what rooms they have will not be counted.
-AT THE TIME OF THE "FIELD TRIP", we will inform the PP Grads. about what spaces we would like and so on and so forth. I feel, talking in person to the fellow artists will make this situation no so agro. **This field trip will not be the time to decide where OUR individual works will be.**
-more more more-
-There is an entrance walkway (foyer if you will) the Grads. requested this space. We will be informing them that the entrance way will not be an option for either Photo or PP. There will be two posters, framed and on easels advertising the two SEPARATE shows within the one BUILDING.

*Just a reminder to ease some minds: Remember, we are all students and artists here. Collaboration is peaceful and exciting! Think of this as two shows in a large building. I assume we will try our hardest to make it apparent that these exhibitions are two separate shows. We've worked hard so far, so let's work even harder. Things will go our way if we come together and want to have it all work out. Make sure everyone is evenly distributing work loads as well, there have been several complaints in all panels about she/he saids and is not helping or is helping, if you are not or you know others are working harder, find out ways to take some ease off them. We are all going towards the same goal and we all need to help each other out.*

My last words for this post:
Any questions/comments/concerns email me. or call me. or text me. If you need help and are overworked, contact your admin. panel for assistance immediately. If you don't voice your opinion you will not be heard.

Niki Cash

We raised about 170$ at the bake sale on Wednesday. About $1400 in the raffle. In total we are around $2000 dollars. Our books will most likely be covered. These funds are also going towards space cleanup, poster/advertising printing, goods for the jurors and final show. Keep it up team!

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