Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bake Sale THIS Friday
Desperately need bakers/staff for the bake sale this Friday. The last First Friday sale ran out of goods. The more we have, the more money we make. Please, PLEASE, PLEASE help bake something!!!!
Bake sale is outside the Quirk Gallery @ 6pm. Runs until all goods are gone or traffic is winding down (maybe 9ish?).
Baked goods can be dropped off at Sarah and Courtney's house Thursday after 1PM. Call if you are delivering them later in the afternoon to ensure someone is home. You may also drop the goods off at 5:45 outside the Quirk gallery.
If you can help man the bake sale- please e-mail ME (Sarah H)! I will relay info to the refreshments panel. Sarah D and Griffin have already agreed to help staff.
You will be reimbursed for the baking supplies if you keep your receipt- a cake mix and some icing only costs a few dollars anyhow! The last First Friday bake sale ran out of goods (and the staff got REALLY cold). If more people can pitch in for the bake sale this Friday, we can turn around a really great profit. The warmer weather is on our side and this will give us a chance to get the word out about OUR show next month!
If you can bake goods (we are looking for variety here- cookies, cupcakes, cone cupcakes, brownies, truffles, GET CREATIVE... we're artists, right?) please leave a comment or surprise Sarah and Courtney at their residence tomorrow AFTER 1PM! If you cannot bring the goods by until later in the evening, call before you drive over to ensure someone is home. You can also simply drop the goods off outside the Quirk gallery around 5:45pm!
Let's pull together for this very last sale and try to make as much money as we can!
Refreshment Panel Meeting 3-31-10
Gallery Opening:
We have obtained permission from the owner of the bank to serve refreshments at our gallery opening. We are hoping to serve alcohol (beer and wine) as well, but we would have to obtain an alcohol license AND the alcohol would have to be served by a licensed bar tender. The alcohol license would cost around $55 and research on how quickly one could be obtained is underway. Dena is a licensed bar tender and has agreed to be the server during the opening.
Panel/Juror Day:
We are serving both breakfast and lunch to the jurors on April 21st.
The members of the refreshment panel are contacting the local Panera restaurants (VCU campus, Willow Lawn, Short Pump, Fredricksburg) to work out collecting the unsold bread/bagels for the day before the panel meeting. If this plan is unable to work out, bagels will be bought from either Panera or Einstein Brother's Bagels. Spreads and fruit will be bought from Kroger. Coffee and tea will be made on location with coffee and tea makers.
We are waiting to hear back about dietary specifications (vegan, vegetarian, etc) from the juror panel group. We will work around these needs.
A meeting has been made with Groovin' Gormet for this coming Monday to discuss catering options.
More info to come. I will keep you all posted.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
-Niki Cash
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hey everyone,
This is the updated information about our books and postcards.
POSTCARDS- Will be printed at Zoom, a local printing shop that printed the postcards last year that did a wonderful and affordable job! The price was 27.50 a person, each person will receive 100 postcards, 50 of which will be donated for selling at the exhibition, any unsold postcards will be returned to artist.
BOOKS- The books are being printed via They will be portrait layout 8x 10 inches. The price per books is 24.95 a person. Because of the wonderful raffle Marion organized these books will be paid for in full by the raffle funds!! We are looking at spending about $670 for 28 books including shipping costs.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
This Week's Display Cases!
This week's display cases are featuring:
Ashleigh Hobson
Courtney Mannion
Cassie Meier
That's right! Three now!
See you ladies tomorrow morning!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Update (3/25/2010)
-The PP Grads. will be opening their show one week prior to First Fridays. In that case we have two options, this will also be a majority vote in deciding: should we open our show one week prior as well and have it up for two weeks or stick it out until the last minute and present for one week?
-We will notify them as to where we want to present our work. It is to my understanding we have first priority. They have requested where they want their work, but it is our decision. This will be an even stronger voice towards the PP Grads. on our picks, if we have our show up at the same time. There will be no room for discussion on their part because we will be up as well.
-We will tell PP Grads. to contribute to cleaning of the space financially and physically. The Marketing Panel perceives the total costs for cleaning will be around $300-$400 dollars. We will contact the PP Grads. as ask for half of the costs. PRIOR to the show. (We are running a business here, no free shit yall!)
-We will have the key, they will not. (At the moment..unless the landlord makes them a copy) In that case we will decide in an organized manner, dates and times to go to the location for clean up. The PP Grads. will adhere to our time. To avoid any problems of our "asses being on the chopping block".
-Finally, I think. Well, for now. Erin is contacting the landlord and deciding on a time that is good for him when ALL (Photo. Seniors and PP Grads.) to come to the space and get an 'fyi overview, rules and regulations' of the space. The date will be next week sometime, and it will be posted as soon as the information is received. If you are unable to come, your opinion on what rooms we will have and what rooms they have will not be counted.
-AT THE TIME OF THE "FIELD TRIP", we will inform the PP Grads. about what spaces we would like and so on and so forth. I feel, talking in person to the fellow artists will make this situation no so agro. **This field trip will not be the time to decide where OUR individual works will be.**
-more more more-
-There is an entrance walkway (foyer if you will) the Grads. requested this space. We will be informing them that the entrance way will not be an option for either Photo or PP. There will be two posters, framed and on easels advertising the two SEPARATE shows within the one BUILDING.
*Just a reminder to ease some minds: Remember, we are all students and artists here. Collaboration is peaceful and exciting! Think of this as two shows in a large building. I assume we will try our hardest to make it apparent that these exhibitions are two separate shows. We've worked hard so far, so let's work even harder. Things will go our way if we come together and want to have it all work out. Make sure everyone is evenly distributing work loads as well, there have been several complaints in all panels about she/he saids and is not helping or is helping, if you are not or you know others are working harder, find out ways to take some ease off them. We are all going towards the same goal and we all need to help each other out.*
My last words for this post:
Any questions/comments/concerns email me. or call me. or text me. If you need help and are overworked, contact your admin. panel for assistance immediately. If you don't voice your opinion you will not be heard.
Niki Cash
We raised about 170$ at the bake sale on Wednesday. About $1400 in the raffle. In total we are around $2000 dollars. Our books will most likely be covered. These funds are also going towards space cleanup, poster/advertising printing, goods for the jurors and final show. Keep it up team!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Voting: Everyone participate!
You must vote by Thursday, March 26th by 3:00pm. So, TOMORROW.
-Cross disciplinary community artists
-Greater exposure
-Better use of space
-More renovation help
-Communication issues
-Takes the spotlight off our show
-Putting our names "on the line"
Pro/Con...We couldn't decide:
-If we don't participate we look more closed off (which is already a small problem with out dept.)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This is a multiple post day, gotta catch up after SPRING BREAK '10! wooooo! Anyways... Just a reminder, tell your friends etc. about the bake sale that will be held TOMORROW! (Wednesday, March 24, 2010)
March 3/24: Outside Trani Life Sciences Building/ Corner of Harrison and Main 10a-4p
Baking: Same People as Quirk
10-12: Cassie
12-2: Griffin
12-3: Karen
Jenny: 10-til
Jenn: 11-4
Funds will still be coming out of the Senior "Treasure Chest" and all will be update as needed about the funds situation.
Nobody needs to volunteer to Bake or Staff either Bake Sale, it is all under control. If the situation changes all will be notified.
April Bake Sale is around the corner! Keep it in mind...actually, everything is around the corner! We got this on lock down.
<3 niki!!!!
This is what i need:
Being that April 21st is a Wednesday, people have class and other obligations.
-Please send me when you ARE NOT free on that day, because of other classes. I will work with everyone's schedule, so don't fret about not getting to see reviewers. PLEASE TITLE EMAIL AS: april 21 schedule.
- Also, in the next few days, I will get another updated list of reviewers, with their bios, all posted on to the blog. After the list has been updated, later this week, then i will require everyone to post their top 5 reviewers that they would like to meet with on review day, but i will send a separate email later this week discussing this.
Thank you all for your cooperation.
Michael Archer
Monday, March 22, 2010

Hey Everyone,
Here is the example of what our postcards will look like!! Now the image on the front on the front of the postcard will be different depending on what each person has submitted. If you sent us a 4x 6 image it will be full bleed, unless you gave us a document showing how you want your image to be laid out on the postcard front. The information on the back will change depending on what information each student had given us. The font size and font style may change as we are putting everything together to be printed. Please email Ashley Selbe if you have any questions or concerns. ( Thanks!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Juror Bio's
Commercial Photographer
Lee Brauer Photography specializes in photography of people and their spaces for the Advertising, Architectural and Corporate communities. With twenty years experience Mr. Brauer creates images that grab your attention. As a founding member of the Central Virginia ASMP he is an active leader in the photographic community. If you need photography of humongous man-made objects or the people that make or live in them give him a call.
John Henley
Commercial Photographer
John Henley attended the San Francisco Institute of Art where he was inspired by places like Big Sur and fell in love with landscape photography. Currently based out of Richmond, Virginia, Henley continues to make images of beautiful landscapes but also professionally specializes in architectural photography. Not only is Henley one of the most successful commercial photographers in Richmond, but he is also well received all over the country. In addition to his job as a commercial photographer, Henley also teaches at VCU.
Isaac Harrell
Art Director of Special Publications for Richmond Magazine
Isaac Harrell is the Art Director of Special Publications for Richmond Magazine, and also a "semi- professional" photographer. Harrell has worked as an art director for many different agencies around Richmond and occassionally will photographs for them as well. Isaac Harrell describes his own experience with photography as: "when I have something to say, I draw or paint. When I shoot, I try to shut up and listen."
Jeffrey Allison
Paul Mellon Collection Educator, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Jeffrey Allison has worked as the Paul Mellon Collection Educator at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts since 1997. As part of his job as the Paul Mellon Collection Educator, Jeffrey travels up and down the east coast giving lectures and on everything from Parisian Art to Manuel Alvarez Bravo. He attended VCU for photography and has continued shooting and selling to this day.
Chip Mitchell
Commercial Photographer, President at American Society of Media Photographers
Specializing in lifestyle and portrait photography, Mitchell prefers black and white to color any day. He describes black and white photography as superior because it "eliminates the distraction of color." He also prides himself on being able to tell stories with his pictures, and began as a filmmaker, and managed to teach himself still photography. He is currently the president of the American Society of Media Photographers, an association of photographers who mostly shoot for commerical and publication purposes.
Chris Crumley
Commericial Photographer, American Society of Media Photographers Board Member
Chris Crumley describes himself as an "under/ over" photographer. This means that he specializes in images that are taken half above water and half over water. His underwater specialty skills allow him to have some pretty unique experiences, including working as an assistant to Annie Leibovitz during a Florida shoot. Crumley began as a computer technician before he transitioned into photography, and because of his prior computer experience excels in digital photography. He is currently working on a mermaid series.
Julie Sanders
Art Director for the Martin Agency
Julie Sanders is the senior art director at the Martin Agency. The Martin Agency is is a renowned advertising firm, ranking #3 in the U.S, and represents companies such as Geico, Hanes, Walmart, Seiko, and many others. Sanders has been working for the Martin Agency for the past 11 years and has worked on many important projects including the Newseum campaign in Washington D.C.
Suntek Chung
VCU sculpture alumni, accomplished artist
Ed Pollard
Museum photographer for the Chrysler Museum of Art an art photographer
Ed Pollard graduated from the University of Virginia with an english degree and then moved to New York City where he taught himself photography. In New York he assisted several fine art gallery photographers and got the chance to meet famed artists such as Robert Frank. He moved to Richmond and then to Norfolk, VA where he now resides as the museum's photographer. He continues to make art on an almost daily basis, likens his work to that of the new topographers- but gets most of his artistic inspiration from cinema.
This Week's Display Case Group
Karen Carlson
Shannon Crooks
Griffin Davis
Sara D'Eugenio
will be presenting their work in the display cases!
Please be at the cases at 9am tomorrow morning. (3/22)
Thanks all!
ps...if your work is already up please be there at 9 to take it down as well!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
THE VENUE: Old Central National Bank Building

(corner of Broad and 3rd)
entrance on 3rd
Size: huge
Price: FREE
(Please Note: there is some clean up required, but remember that any place that's not a gallery- which we can't afford- is going to have some clean up. So to clean up a place that's FREE, is a lot better than cleaning up a place that's...not free. right?!)
So you've seen the outside... now let me take you on a little tour of the

(yes, there is some water damage, but it's charming!! And we can remove any hanging pieces that could potentially fall on a patron...)
Inside the indent off to the left...

The space is shaped like a "U", with this being the top left of the letter.
(We will have to move the desks etc. that are in that corner. Apparently someone left that stuff there after using the space for a film shoot.)

The hallway leads back to the main entrance way, which is behind my back as I'm taking the picture.

but... the space does not have running water.
So that means no bathrooms, either.
I have spoken with Paul about this and he seemed to think that it would be fine, that people wouldn't expect it in a place like this.
I'm sorry if all my "U" descriptions are confusing. We are going to try and plan a day soon where everyone can come down and see the space. I'm trying to figure out when would be the best time to do this. Would a Fri or Sat morning work for everyone? We need to get started on the planning and cleaning soon! I will make a floor plan to bring when we all go there so that we can start planning who's work will go where.
Also, we have been approached by the MFA Painting and Printing candidates who would like to hold their thesis show in the building at the same time. There are some other smaller rooms that we could let them use. While I think it could bring more exposure to our show, I am a bit concerned about the logistics of it. Trying to equally share the cost and labor of cleaning up the common areas will be difficult. Not to mention publicity, etc. It is obviously not up to me to make the decision, so what does everyone else think?
Erin Robertson
Monday, March 8, 2010
Our $$$ thus far...
For the moment we've got about 600$ "in the bank".
Thanks for the hard work team!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Poster Options
Griffin's sister made this for us. No. 2
Here are a few posters I made this weekend.
Postcard Money Deadline Reminder
Friday, March 5, 2010
RAFFLE to Raise Funds for Books!!!
The idea is to conduct a raffle for a netbook and other prizes, with a potential profit of over $2000. For this to work, everyone will need to sell a book of 20 tickets at $5 per ticket. If all 29 of us do this, we will bring in $2900, which we will be able to purchase the prizes out of and still come away with the above mentioned profit. It may sound daunting at first, but think of all the friends, classmates, and family you have; you'll probably be able to sell the majority of your tickets to them. In addition, you are allowed to buy as many tickets as you'd like, which means you'll have the chance to win a prize (multiple ticket purchases not only increase your odds of winning something, but enable you to win multiple prizes!)
So, the plan. I will be printing up tickets this weekend, which will each consist of a numbered ticket and a correspondingly numbered stub. We give the ticket to the buyer, and keep the stub. Stubs will have an area for buyers to write in their name, phone number, and email address so that they can be contacted in the event they win something. Everyone will be able to get their tickets from me at any point next week, starting Monday March 8th. If you sign out a book of tickets, you are accepting responsibility for making sure that all of them are sold in time to be part of the drawing. This means that if you don't sell them, you'll have to buy them. That should motivate you to sell, sell, sell! We will have just over two weeks to sell tickets. Once all of the tickets are sold and the money is collected from each of you by the Book/Postcard Panel, the prizes will be purchased and the drawing will be conducted. If the winners are not present at the drawing, they will be contacted via phone and email to come and collect their prize(s).
Beginning Monday, March 8th, books of tickets will be available to everyone who wants to participate (that better be everyone!)
March 8th-23rd, SELL TICKETS! This should be good timing because it will give everyone one week of school and one week off (Spring Break!) to focus on selling.
Tuesday, March 23rd by 10PM, ticket stubs and money (in the form of cash only - you can only accept checks from people you know, and they have to be cashed) must be delivered to me.
Wednesday, March 24th at noon, the drawing for prizes will be conducted in the Pollak courtyard. Anyone that wishes to be present is welcome to come - especially ticket buyers. Letting them know that a drawing is happening at a specified date/time/location should help them to feel comfortable with purchasing tickets from us.
I hope that everyone is as excited about this idea as I am! It would be wonderful if we didn't have to pay out of our personal funds to buy books and postcards. Please help everyone out by doing your part and selling tickets over the next couple of weeks. This will benefit everyone, and you might even win a prize in the process! If you have any questions, please contact me via email. Thanks!
-Marion Glass
Almost forgot! You guys might want to know what the prizes are ... 1st prize will be an Acer Netbook, worth $300. 2nd prize will be an 8gb iPod touch, worth $195. 3rd prize will be a $100 gift card to Target. I'd buy a $5 ticket for that :P
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Bake Sale Friday
At Quirk 6p-9p
Baking: Jenny Wolfe
Sara D
Jenn White
Staffing: Sara D.
Jenn White
March 3/24: Outside Trani Life Sciences Building/ Corner of Harrison and Main 10a-4p
Baking: Same People as Quirk
Staffing: 10-12: Cassie
12-2: Griffin
12-3: Karen
Mobiles: Jenny: 10-?
Jenn: 11-4
Funds will still be coming out of the Senior "Treasure Chest" and all will be update as needed about the funds situation.
Nobody needs to volunteer to Bake or Staff either Bake Sale, it is all under control. If the situation changes all will be notified.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Top 2 Venue Choices

Top Venues Options (as of 2/28)
Central National Bank Building:
219 E Broad St.
at Broad and 3rd St. (main entrance on 3rd)
Completed in 1929, the building is a historical landmark as the only true art-deco skyscraper in Richmond, VA and the one-time holder of the title of tallest building in Richmond. It (obviously) once housed the Central National Bank but is now vacant as the owners, the Ukrops family, have yet to find a suitable use for it.
This building has been found through "Vacant Spaces = Artful Spaces", a program started by real estate developer and Richmond native, Tom Robinson, which seeks to unite artists with unoccupied buildings in which they can show their work. The space has been used by VCU students in the past, specifically for the Sculpture MFA Candidacy show in 2008.
Usage of the space would be FREE , provided that we as a class volunteer for a day at Gallery 5, most likely a "spring cleaning" project, as the director of Gallery 5, Amanda Robinson, is Tom's daughter. The details of this are still unknown but will most likely be done in shifts according to people's availability.
The exact square footage is unknown, but I have been assured that it is "bigger than we would ever need" and that portions of the space are sectioned off and could accommodate installations.
Note: There are a lot of details about the space that are still unknown as a meeting between myself (Erin Robertson) and Tom has yet take place. Tom has been out of town but is scheduled to return this Monday (3/1) and a meeting to see the interior of the space (pics will be posted) and get questions answered will be scheduled ASAP. ( Paul is aware of this situation.)
We would be able to open on Friday May 7th (First Friday's) but it is unknown if the show will be able to stay up for the whole weekend provided that we staff it. I found out that the MFA show stayed up for five days and advertised it as "By Appointment Only" beyond the opening. Obviously, this is something to discuss as a class.
Bottom Line: We are considering this our best option as it would open up budget money for other ventures and seems to fit our needs far beyond any other venue that we have found thus far.

Metro Space Gallery:
119 E Broad St.
The gallery is a subsidiary of Metro Sound and Music, a full-service music store located next door. It is one large room with two long walls of space, plus a smaller balcony with 3 walls.
- handicap accessibility
- 2 bathrooms
- 3334 sq. ft. with a balcony access
- kitchen at our disposal for the catering
- parking is available on the street as well as a rear parking lot.
Kate, curator at Metro Space, suggested that it would be more affordable if the opening of the show was on Saturday the 8th of May and not on the First Friday night of the 7th. We are confused by this as they wouldn't put up other work for that night just to take it down the next day. There have been repeated attempts to get back in contact with the gallery to get this question answered but they have yet to be reached.
It was mentioned that $700 would be a reasonable amount for 1-2 weeks with an opening on May 8th, however that price needed conformation.
One thing to keep in mind is that Metro Space requires a $250 damage deposit (refundable) as well as insurance (can be produced by VCU) in case of any person injuring themselves while working in the space. Half of the balance paid is required to hold the date, and the latter half is paid two weeks in advance to the event's date.
Bottom Line: The current price is CRAZY expensive, however, since this is a real gallery, the work could be left up for 1-2 weeks (depending on the agreement) without us having to staff the venue. The problem is that the space is not as big as it sounds. The square footage makes it sound huge, but the wall space is what we need to be concerned with and we would be pushing it there. Prints would have to be smaller and/or closer together than many of us would like and there are not any partitioned off spaces for installations.
*We are still pursuing other options, though as of now these are the top two contenders. If anyone has any other ideas or places that we should contact, please comment on this post.