Monday, January 31, 2011
Senior Portfolio Meeting (Wednesday, Feb. 9 at 11AM)
The administrative panel from all three sections have been tossing around ideas for collaborating and we were thinking it may be a good idea to have regular meetings with everyone from all three sections. We are planning one next Wednesday, Feb. 9 at 11am (exact location in Pollak to be determined) Obviously, everyone will not be available all at one time. Therefore, it would beneficial to send a spokesperson for each panel at least. This meeting will be posted to the blog and suggestions/concerns may be voiced as comments.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Book/Postcard Panel Proposal (Paul's Section) PLEASE VOTE NOW!

So these are what Sabrina and I have finalized for proposal.
What I have attached for you are the following:
4 files for COLOR schemes:
-option a
-option b
-option c
-one file with all three collage on the same layout so people can compare side by side, or if they prefer view one by one with the above files.
2 files for FONT schemes:
-arno pro (ap)
-myriad pro (mp)
-there is a third option but it in the process of being found. So for now those two will do until further notice.
We would like people to vote for ONE color option and ONE family of font (arno or myriad).
I know Rachel and Christina in marketing needs colors and font ready for them by latest Monday.
So what we thought would work might be this:
Voting is open from tonight Friday Jan 26. til Saturday midnight, Sunday morning the latest.
So Sabrina and I can finalize anything and send files over to marketing, since they plan on printing posters for the short coming bake sale.
Let me know what you think and how you like the options give too.
Include letter corresponding with your choice of color scheme as well as one corresponding with your choice of font.
Other suggestions. (PLEASE don't delay on this because the bake sale posters will be made soon)
*Voting and choosing the fonts and colors is for the cohesion in designing and producing the postcards, book, posters and other collateral materials. It's for thematical, professional and presentable products in the end. The voting is not for the producing posters for bake sales alone. With established work flow and templates and guidelines, things will more along more smoothly.
So people need to still vote, whether they want to make poster for the bake sale or not. It doesn't hurt to attach VCU Photography department to the event, especially when it will benefit us. People are more likely to buy and buy more and support us if we seem official and professional about our agenda and mission.
Let me know what you think. I don't want people to be so down about the money issue. We will pay off for the show in the end.
The issue of money is present, but it should not lessen how we present ourselves or be lead astray.
Book/Postcard Panel Proposal (Tom's Section)
Also we'll be setting up folders online that people can send 4 final images to and their preferred choice (1-4) of what they'd like on the postcard. We're setting up deadlines so that if you don't submit anything by that deadline, you will not be included. Therefore it is important to start thinking about WHAT image you'd like on your postcard and getting them ready.
Book/Postcard Panel Proposal (Lauren's Section)
- Katie
Marketing Proposal (Lauren's Section)
We spoke with the events committee in our class and they are in charge of staffing the bake sales but we need to find people to bake items. The calendar already has bake sales scheduled for 2/14, 3/13, and 4/1. We talked about having a two day bake sale for each date. Also we thought selling more than just baked goods, such as coffee and tea would help generate more money.
We discussed other ways to raise money such as having a raffle in which we would have businesses donate prizes and sell tickets for $5 or $10. Another idea some people in the class came up with was selling flowers for valentines day, and also hosting some kind of party around St. Patrick's day in which we would sell tickets to get in.
We also are thinking of ideas for the poster and suggest each person on our panel designing a poster and then narrowing it down to three for the class to vote on from there.
We think it would be a good idea to try to come up with a bimonthly schedule for the panel as a whole to meet.
Exhibition/Juror Proposal (Lauren's Section)
-Prospective Panel members:
-Isaac Harrell from Richmond Magazine
-John Magor freelance interior design/ architecture photographer
-Prospective Location:
-206 broad street directly next to Comfort
Event Coordination Proposal (Paul's Section)
about 8 bake sales + possible weekend sales if necessary
Feb. 14th (Valentines), Feb. 21st (Presidents Day), March 8th (Mardi Gras), March 10th (St. Patricks Day VCU has spring break on the 17th)
First Fridays: Feb. 4th, March 4th, April 1
We'd also like the have a photobooth set up for Valentines day. We are interested in buying an instant printer and setting up a cute background. We need to see if its allowed at the Commons and if we will make a profit.
We will find a caterer for the Panel and Exhibition. We will try and get estimate and hopefully a discount for having two events.
Bake Sale Scheduled NEXT WEEK

First Fridays is on Feb. 4th . We are selling in front of Quirk Gallery, 311 W Broad St. starting at 6 pm. Our team will set up around 5. We need others to help bake different items to sell on Friday. They need to be ready for pick up around 3 pm on Friday. Please keep in mind that we have to wrap these items individually to sell them so nothing messy! We need a variety of goods so comment below on what you can make for Friday. This will help us not have too many of one item. Also, if you'd like to volunteer to sell we'd appreciate the help!
(Please treat the comment feature below as a SIGN UP list for the Bake Sale!!)
Also, if anyone knows of any catering companies in the area please comment on that too.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Marketing Proposal (Paul's Section):
Since the actual advertising jobs cannot begin until other details from other teams are worked out, the marketing team is setting out with these initial proposals until the other details come together and the actual advertisements can be designed:
Top Priority:
* Research Print Prices/ Turnaround Times
* We need to know how fast we can get fliers printed for the best price, in order to get them up in time before each bake sale, etc.
-Here are three print shops in town that we’ve found, but
hadn’t asked for specs for the actual show posters. We think going with a shop in town gives us more control over the job because we can check in and not wait for shipping. For bake sale flyers Christina can go to Wythken and get a discount on photocopies. -> VA Print Shop -> Alphagraphics -> Keith Fabry
* Research specs on press releases/ Radio DJ announcements/etc
* It is the marketing team's responsibility to put out the press release, so we will quickly begin researching the correct format in which to create the press release. This doesn't need to be released right away, but when the time comes, we will have the template ready and know the contact information for the papers/media/local radio stations/etc.
-Here are two website that we’ve found about the correct format of a press release:
* Research where and how to obtain permissions in desirable locations for hanging posters and where to advertise.
* Style Weekly? Richmond Magazine? Ink Magazine? VMFA?
* Find and contact prospective sponsors.
* Local Buisnesses? Bell? Skirt? ASMP?
*Rachel and I would like to meet with the marketing panel on Tuesday February 1st at 2pm at Pollak or Capell to talk in general and design the flyer for the bake sale on February 4th to be able to distribute them on the 3rd. Christina will be able to photocopy them that night or the next morning depending on when we get it done.
**The Marketing Panel needs all of the bake sale information by Monday Jan. 31st at the latest to be able to create the flyer in time. This include: Where , When, the Font, the Color, etc.**
Artists Interviews (Exhibition/Juror Request)
We will be looking through them for potential panel members.
Feel free to send us any other names and contact information that could potentially be our juror or panel members.
Thank you.
Possible Bake Sale (NEXT WEEK)
A possible date for the first bake sale has been proposed for February 4th (First Friday). If the venue on Broad will agree (confirmation today or tomorrow), the marketing panel of Paul's class plans to go ahead with it.
ALL MKTG and EVENT members, PLEASE get into direct contact with each other to start planning for this event.
If anyone has ANY suggestions on possible venues, or avenues for sale of baked goods on First Friday or any date, PLEASE COMMENT on this post!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Preliminary Panel Proposals
What: Preliminary proposals created by each panel in each individual section. This means, for example, Tom's class will have 4 proposals--one for each panel (excluding admin, because we are already in collaboration mode across sections.) Paul's class will have 4 and Lauren's will have 4. These are very informal, but hopefully written (typed) proposals generally outlining ideas for task completion and semester goals. They are meant to get the sections collaborating and sharing ideas together.
Please submit your proposals to your administrative representative in each section so they can be posted on the blog before next week.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Exhibition/Juror Panel Request
1) Anyone with connections or ideas for spaces/possible venues for the final exhibition.
2) Ideas or requests for possible candidates for panel jurors.
Please comment on this post or contact Morgan or David.
(Kathleen Jones)
Welcome to the Spring 2011 SP Exhibition/Panel Blog
Kathleen Jones
Zack Concepcion
(434) 996-7044
Other Administrative representatives, I will be setting up a Facebook group for us to collaborate and define responsibilities to reduce redundancy and confusion for the blog. Please comment on this post with your name and phone numbers to let me know who you are so I can invite you on Facebook.
All other panel representatives, please comment on this post with your names and phone numbers and respective panels so I can add you to an official panel and contact roster.
All Sections:
Marketing/Promotion Panel
Rachel Rainer (804) 305-0490
Christina Jeffers (703) 507-3534
Quavé Inman (757) 810-0702
Sandy Swagger (804)218-5115
Eric Carlson (919) 606-8247
Kimberly Burgess (804) 339-5993
Administrative/Planning Panel
Kathleen Jones (703) 919-3654
Zack Concepcion (434) 996-7044
Justin Phillips (757) 291-9942
Catey Owen (757) 472-8286
Exhibition/Juror Panel
Morgan Cofer (703) 447-8806
David Thompson (804) 398-8642
Shannon McGill (804)475-7588
Drew Smith (703) 505-9027
Mark Waldhauser (703) 609-7056
Amber Bender (540) 841 5713
Event Coordinator Panel
Erin Sonoda (571) 451-4719
Jessica Kern (804) 317-6948
Jamie Zill (571)239-5699
Blair Condon (703)801-6268
Angela Hall (540) 845-2314
Katie Stanton (540) 834-7206 (call instead of text)
Book/Postcard Panel
Sabrina McGill (804) 475-4607
Lanvi Nguyen (703) 727-9659
Harrison Möenich (804)869-5388
Mark Sanchez (703) 554-5851
James Mielnicki (571)643-2073
Katie Braswell (240) 446-0972
Robert Fogel (804) 240-6641