Sunday, February 28, 2010

This Week's Display Case Group

Just a weekly reminder!

Jake Cunningham
Rebecca Arnold
Cassie Mulheron
Marion Glass

You all are displaying your work this week. Please be at the Pollack Building at 9AM tomorrow morning. (Monday, March 1, 2010)

Thanks all!
-Niki Cash :-)

ps. keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Book and Postcard Update and IMPORTANT INFORMATION


- Books will be printed at Blurb: an online printing service. (

- The size will be approximately 8 x 10 inches (portrait)

- General design- Each student will have a spread (2 pages). The left side will include student and artwork information and artist statement (see requirements below), the right side will be an image of the artists choice.

- Requirements for students information and images

o Artist name, title, size, media, date (year only), website and/or other contact (if preferred)

o Artist Statement- It is your choice what you want to present for this page, you can include your whole artist statement or you can just use a few sentences that sum up your idea. We think shorter statements will be better for layout and presentation.

o 150-300 DPI

o No larger than 15MB

o Height and width no larger than 4000 pixels.

o sRGB required for color profile

o JPEG only

o We will size your image to fit into the layout. This page will be portrait 8 x 10 inches. If your work will not fit the dimensions please create a photoshop document showing how you want your images laid out. You may include just one image or several. If submitting more than one image, a photoshop document sized to the dimensions listed above must be made to show how you want the layout to be. This document will be the image side of the spread. Please be conscious of your page layout, use your 8 x 10 space to your advantage!

- ORDERING BOOKS- WE ARE ASSUMING EVERYONE WANTS TO PURCHASE ONE BOOK! If you do not want to order a book you need to let Ashley Selbe ( know by MARCH 5th!!

o The books will be about $25- $30 a piece, but we cannot determine the exact total price until we know how many books we will be ordering.

o We will be selling books at the exhibition. If your book is sold, the money from that sale will replace your book. (The books we order for each student will be the books on display for sale. If any are sold, we will use the money earned to replace the book sold. We are doing it this way so you don’t have to donate extra money for books to sell at the exhibition.)


- We will order our postcards from ZOOM printing in Richmond

- We will be ordering 100 postcards per student for a total of 2900 postcards.

- Each student will receive 100 postcards, 50 of which will be donated to making postcard packets to sell at the exhibition. The postcard packets will include one postcard from each student. Any postcards not sold will be returned to the proper artist. The money raised from these packets will be used to reimburse the class funds if needed; otherwise it will be divided and returned to the students. The remaining 50 postcards will be for personal use.

- The size of the postcard will be 4 x 6 inches.

- Requirements for student information and images

o 350 DPI

o 4 x 6 inches

o Artist name, title, dimensions, media, date (year only) website and/or contact (this information will be on the back of the card.)

o You can use the same image for the book and postcard if you like, but please size you images according to each specification.

o The postcards will be full bleed, so please size your photograph to 4 x 6 inches. If your image cannot fit this size, please send us a photoshop document sized to dimensions listed above. This document will be your postcard front.

- ORDERING POSTCARDS – We need everyone to order postcards so we have complete postcard bundles. The total cost from 2900 postcards will be $792.

- THE PRICE FOR POSTCARDS WILL BE $27.50 PER PERSON. Money will be collected by Kerry McDonnell and Ashley Selbe at midterm critiques.


- We will be providing each student will 50 stickers listing the show name, location, date and time.

- These stickers are for the student’s personal postcards for advertising the show. Each person will be given 50 stickers so they can choose how many they would like to use.

- These will be paid for with class budget money and will cost about $30.


- Per Ashleigh Hobson (2/17/2010)- the marketing team is outsourcing the design for the exhibition poster.


- $31.94 from the class funds to purchase a book proof.

- $30 from the class funds for stickers.

- Money from the class funds will be given to either the marketing panel or book panel for poster printing. Prices have yet to be determined.


- FRIDAY, MARCH 5: Students who DO NOT want a book must email Ashley Selbe (

- BY 3PM FRIDAY, MARCH 12: All images for book AND postcard need to be dropped off in a folder on the newer computer in the darkroom computer lab. (The computer straight ahead when you walk through the door. A folder has already been made for you to drop off your images).

- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10 or THURSDAY, MARCH 11 (AT THE VERY LATEST): Money for postcards due to Ashley Selbe or Kerry McDonnell AT MIDTERM CRITIQUES in check form made out to Ashley Selbe.

Lastly, we are planning on including a class photo in the book. If anyone has any ideas for this please email Arlie (

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Event Coordinator/Refreshments Panel

Hey all,

The event coordinators/refreshments panel update is as follows:

Breakfast spread plans are underway. Bagels, fruit and coffee options were discussed today including bringing in several coffee/tea pots (brewers) for fresh beverages. Panera Bread is one location being looked into cost-wise.

As far as lunch goes, someone has personal connections to Groovin' Gourmets ( Other options are being researched as well.

If you have any great ideas, e-mail the event coordinator/refreshment communication manager, Cassie Meier. If you have a coffee/tea/espresso maker you are willing to donate for a day (or are really great at making amazing coffees) please let us know. These skills or supplies can be put to good use the day of the panel review.

Thank you!


Hey guys: New updates on Venues

Hey guys,

Here is a post to let all students know that the Exhibition Venues and Panel Reviewers list has been updated as of Feb 24th 2010. Keep checking the original blog post (posted on Sun. Feb 21st) that I will be updating daily as I receive more information about any changes.
All changes have an asterisk (*) and a bolded and italicized first few words of the sentence.
Thanks guys,

Posted by:
Michael Archer (02/24/10)

Correct March bake sale schedule!!!

Please Disregard Previous post about the March Bake Sale!!!
March 3/5: Quirk 6p-9p
Baking: Jenny Wolfe
Sara D
Jenn White
Staffing: Sara D.
Jenn White

March 3/24: Outside Trani Life Sciences Building/ Corner of Harrison and Main 10a-4p
Baking: Same People as Quirk
Staffing: 10-12: Cassie
12-2: Griffin
12-3: Karen
Mobiles: Jenny: 10-?
Jenn: 11-4

Funds will still be coming out of the Senior "Treasure Chest" and all will be update as needed about the funds situation.

Nobody needs to volunteer to Bake or Staff either Bake Sale, it is all under control. If the situation changes all will be notified.

Sorry about the confusion!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

March Bake Sale thus far...

Hello friends!
Just an FYI on the bake sale for March. Please start planning ahead to help sell for the sale! Ha!

Friday, March 5, 2010
10am-4pm outside of the Trani Life Sciences Building: Marketing Panel attending has not been decided yet, but if you are able to come and help please comment here and let us know!
The same day, but 6pm-9pm at Quirk Gallery. Sara D. and Griffin will be there, but again... if you can attend to help please comment here!

The baking of goodies will be done by Ashleigh, Courtney, Griffin, Sara D., Karen, and Jenn. This is so pastries are of the same consistency. I'm sure any additional help would be great, please comment here if you would like to assist with baking!

Finally, all baking will be funded by our own Senior "Treasure Chest". We will keep a constant update on this blog of where we stand financially as time progresses and costs accumulate. This is just to make sure everyone is in the "loop".

Any questions or concerns, email me or comment on the blog.
Thanks all!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Exhibition and Juror First List

To Classmates and Teachers: (updated 02/24/10)

The following information describes what the exhibition/juror panel has collected up to this point, both for the Review/Juror members, and the Exhibition locations. This list has been updated as of Monday February 22nd, 2010, thanks to the Exhibition and Juror Group.

Confirmed Interest:

-Jeffery Allison - (VMFA Collection Educator)
-Chris Crumley - (Photographer)
-Dan Currier - (Photographer, Professor)
-Steve Hedberg - (Creative Director at Richmond Magazine)
-John Henley - (Commercial Photographer/VCU Professor)
-Christopher Winton-Stahle - (Photographer)

All Prospects (all contacted, some replied)

-Jeffery Allison (VMFA Collection Educator)
-Nia Burks (Former VCU Teacher, Graduate Student)
-Chris Crumley (Photographer and ASMP Board Member)
-Dan Currier (Photographer/Professor)
Tyler Darden (Art Director at Virginia Living Magazine, Artist)
-Christian Detres (RVA Magazine, worked for Vice Magazine in New York)
-Veronica Gerber (Atlee HS Art Teacher)
-Isaac Harrell (Art Director of Richmond Magazine and Semi-pro Photographer)
-Ashely Hawkins (Plant Zero)
-Steve Hedberg (Creative Director at Richmond Magazine)
-John Henley (Commercial Photographer/VCU Professor)
-Robert Hobbs (Art Historian)
-Erik Leise (Atlee HS Art Teacher)
-Eric McMaster (VCU Sculpture Professor)
-Chip Mitchell (Photographer and ASMP President)
-Amy Moorefield (Head Curator fo Hollins Art Gallery, former Head Curator at VCU Anderson Gallery)
-Trent Nicholas (Art History Department and works at the VMFA)
-Hassan Pitts (VCU Photography [Graduate])
-Ed Pollard (Museum Photographer at Chrysler Museum of Art)
-Julie Sanders (Senior Art Producer at Martin Agency)
-Alice Simon (Atlee HS Art Teacher)
-Tom Smagala (Atlee HS Art Teacher)
-David Stover (Commercial Photographer/VCU Professor)
-Mary Taylor (Art Producer at Martin Agency)
-Christopher Winton-Stahle (Photographer)
-Todd Wright (Commercial Photographer)

GALLERY SPACE PROSPECTS:(will be updated constantly)

Metro Space Gallery: Metro Space Gallery suggested that it would be more affordable if the opening of the show was on the saturday following First Fridays in May. Kate is the curator at Metro Sound, and she mentioned that $700 would be a reasonable amount for 1-2 weeks with an opening on May 8th, however she has to confirm with her boss about the finalized price. Wehould be recieving an email very soon confirming the amount. It is a little expensive, however, that is because of it's huge size, and that is why it is being considered.
Other details include:
- handicap accessibility
- 2 bathrooms
- 3334 sq. ft. with a balcony access
- kitchen at our disposal for the catering
- parking is available on the street as well as a rear parking lot.

One thing to keep in mind is that Metro Space requires a $250 damage deposit (refundable) as well as insurance (can be produced by VCU) in case of any person injuring themselves while working in the space. Half of the balance paid is required to hold the date, and the latter half is paid two weeks in advance to the event's date.

Gallery 5: Gallery 5 already has a show booked for May, so this is not an option.
*Central National Bank Building: However, Tom Robinson with "Empty Space, Artful Places" sent me an email discussing how he could get us into the Central National Bank Building on Broad Street. What we have found out so far is that there is potential for usage of the space for free if we, as a class, do some clean-up work for Gallery 5. This is being considered as a good prospect for our showing, and there is a meeting scheduled this week to get some more details about exact usage and expense details.
*Plant Zero: Plant Zero is now being contacted as a back-up because the exhibition panel have decided to broaden choices for venues in case of any last-minute issues that come up. It is just another option we are currently getting information from, so look out for more updates on any venues.

Quirk Gallery: Unfortunately Quirk has yet to get back to us about their information yet. We are going to be continuously pursuing this as a choice, and plan to be in contact with them on the morning of February 22nd to get some information. Quirk does have some off-site warehouses that have been known to be rented out, so that is our heading right now, and will send someone down to Quirk to ask some questions in person if they do not try and make a connection the morning of the 22nd of February. The two warehouses they have are located at 201 W. Broad Street, and 315 W.Broad Street.
*The two off-site warehouses: from Quirk are unavailable for the dates we want it for, one because of the space being too small, and the other is because is has already been leased out, so there are no available spaces that we can lease from Quirk.

*Unfortunately the location: used last year will not be available for our usage this year, because of some broken building violations, both in structural integrity and electrical issues.

This is the information we have retrieved up until Sunday 21st of February, however, we expect to get more information in the following week, so this post will be edited constantly, mainly focusing on more exhibition venues and updates on the contacts we have made so far.

Thanks to the Exhibiton and Juror Panel for their work on this:
- Shannon Crooks
- Dena Sussman
- Kaitlin Vaughan
- Erin Robertson
- Justin Lewis

Edited and Posted, and Updated (02/24/10) by:
Michael Archer (Admin. Panel)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

This Week's Display Case Group

Just a weekly reminder:

2. Monday, February 22nd 9:00AM- Monday, Mar. 1st 9:00AM

Sarah Hauser
Anna Tingle
Kaitlin Vaughan
Chris Pittman

I'll meet you and whoever is taking down at 9:00AM tomorrow morning!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bake Sale Scheduling

( I know only admin is supposed to post, but not everyone is added yet and Niki is at work)

Bake Sale Scheduling:
Scheduling is slightly overlapped in case someone is running late, 2 people need to be there at all times.
Once the new shift arrives the previous shift can leave.

Rebecca will be bringing the cash box to each event.
Cassie Meier is bringing tables and setting up around 9:30
Kerry M. and Ashley S. are 930-1230
Erin R. and Courtney M. are 12-2
Courtney will break down.

These people were assigned to bake for this event:
Janpim Wolf
Jennifer White
Cassie Meier
Jake Cunningham
John Cameron

Cassie Meier and Jenn White will be setting up around 930.
John Cameron is 930-1230
Cassie Mulheron is 10-1230
Ashleigh H. and Courtney M are 12-230
Justin L and Jenny Wolf are 2-4
Jenny Wolf will break down.

These people were assigned to bake for this event:
Rebecca Arnold
Chris Pittman
Kaitlin Vaughn
Fallon Williams
Kerry McDonald

Set up by ?Jenny Wolf??  at 530
Sara D 530-7
Patrick Phillips 630-8
Anna Tingle  530-8
Break down will be done by ??Jenny Wolf??

These people were assigned to bake for this event:
Marion Glass
Amber O'Hara
Dena Sussman
Anna Tingle
Cassie Mulheron

Thanks to everybody who has already dropped off goods/ is working the event/ posted flyers!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

From the Marketing Panel

Ashleigh Hobson will be the communications for the Marketing Panel. Got questions? Concerns? Great ideas? Please only email them to Ashleigh and she will promptly respond. Also, she will be the communication between her group and the others, so if Events/Refreshments needs to know where they are supposed to be setting up tables, they should contact her. Want to help with the fliers or man a bake sale? Just hit her up!

Display Case Rotation

Hi all!
Your Admin. Panel had a nice productive meeting today, so I hope your own panels are doing the same!
We discussed the display case rotation (which we made an executive decision and everyone must participate), we also made one Admin. Panel Member the "go-to" for the other panels. Any information needed for this blog must go through YOUR panel's Administrator so they can post.

Marketing/Promotion/Funding Panel: Your go-to is Niki Cash and Anna Tingle.
Exhibition/Juror Panel: Your go-to is Michael Archer.
Events/Coordinators Refreshment Panel: Your go-to is Sarah Hauser.
Book/Postcard Panel: Your go-to is Patrick Phillips.

**please check the blog post titled, "Important Dates" so you know what you're doing in your panel**

Display Case Rotations will be switched in and out every Monday at 9:00AM. If you do not show for your date to take down or put up, there may be consequences for your work and/or grade. :-) The Admin. Panel will be present each Monday to assist hanging or if you can't make it please contact your Administrator. We will also provide NAME TAGS ONLY for a cohesive look...but individual titles for work and hanging supplies will be up to you. All imagery, title labels, etc. MUST be gallery ready, keeping a professionally, clean, finished eye in mind.

1. Monday, February 15th- Monday, Feb. 22nd
Patrick Phillips
Niki Cash
Michael Archer
John Cameron
2. Monday, February 22nd- Monday, Mar. 1st
Sarah Hauser
Anna Tingle
Kaitlin Vaughan
Chris Pittman
3. Monday, March 1st- Monday, Mar. 8th
Jake Cunningham
Rebecca Arnold
Cassie Mulheron
Marion Glass
4. Monday, March 8th- Monday, Mar. 22nd (Two weeks up because of Spring Break)
Kerry McDonnell
Amber O'Hara
Fallon Williams
Arlie Trowbridge
5. Monday, March 22nd- Monday, Mar. 29th
Karen Carlson
Shannon Crooks
Griffin Davis
Sara D'Eugenio
6. Monday, March 29th- Monday, Apr. 5th
Ashleigh Hobson
Courtney Mannion
Cassie Meier
7. Monday, April 5th- Monday, Apr. 12th
Ashley Selbe
Dena Sussman
Janpim Wolfe
8. Monday, April 12th- Monday, Apr. 19th
Jenn White
Justin Lewis
Erin Robertson

---Remember, every Monday at 9:00AM. Plan accordingly, we gave tons of time in advance! KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOUR ADMINISTRATOR and THIS BLOG SO EVERYTHING WILL RUN OH SO SMOOTHLY!

A Side Note

Check your email, I sent a list of all Seniors so communication for everyone should be A+! Let me know if you were not included(email me)! I have a feeling some did not reply to the information requests so that's why you are not on the list. Thanks!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine's Day Bake Saless!

Hello all!
Sorry for any previous confusion, here is the low down on the bake sale THIS WEEK!

There will be three sale times.
#1:::Thursday, February 11, 2010....10am-4pm BE THERE by 9:30 if you are planning on helping in the am! BOWE STREET PARKING DECK ENTRANCE
#2:::Friday, February 12, 2010...10am-4pm BE THERE by 9:30 if you are planning on helping in the am! BOWE STREET PARKING DECK ENTRANCE
#3:::First Friday will be this Friday, February 12, 2010.... 6-9pm BE THERE by 5:30 if you are planning on helping!! QUIRK GALLERY

Now, I know you all received an email about stations and baking days. I think I'm explaining this right...
Group One:
Janpim Wolf
Jennifer White
Cassie Meier
Jake Cunningham
John Cameron

Bake stuff and have it at Sara and Courtney's house by Wednesday(2/10) between 8-10pm.

Group Two:
Rebecca Arnold
Chris Pittman
Kaitlin Vaughn
Fallon Williams
Kerry McDonald
Group Three:
Marion Glass
Amber O'Hara
Dena Sussman
Anna Tingle
Cassie Mulheron

Bake stuff and have it at Sara and Courtney's house by Thursday (2/11) between 8-10pm.

These bakers are for the first three sales, everyone will be rotated in as the semester rolls on.

The marketing team will be buying table decorations (table cloth, banner, labels) so bringing a couple dollars ($2.00) to help out on WEDNESDAY DURING CLASS (TOM'S CLASS...PLEASE GIVE DONATIONS TO CASSIE OR REBECCA ON TUESDAY OR THURSDAY).

Again, you may drop them off at Sara & Courtney's house:
1812 Claiborne Avenue (between Allen & Meadow, in Randolph); we are the house with the white picket fence and cats.

Please come and support, because one panel can't do it on their own. Any additional free time you have stop by Bowe Street or Quirk on those two days (10am-4pm) to help SELL!!

ps. the marketing panel is aware... if your name is in a group for baking they cannot hold you at gunpoint to bake and they understand if it does not work in your schedule. BUT! any help will be fully appreciated!

Friday, February 5, 2010


If you haven't seen already, it is snowing... again..!? The First Friday artwalk is pretty much our bake sale today is not happening. Not to worry though! There will be a bake sale next week, Thursday and Friday (2/11 & 2/12)
This bake sale is for Valentine's Day!!

Bring all baked goods to Ashleigh Hobson's house by Wednesday night. (1609 Floyd Ave.)

The bake sale will be, Thursday and Friday at 10am-3pm. AT THE BOWE STREET DECK ENTRANCE!!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bake Sale (2/5/2010) FOLLOW UP!

For the planned bake sale this First Friday (February 5, 2010). Bring all bake goods to Sara D'Eugenio's house between the hours of 11-1pm, on FRIDAY!

Sara's address is, 1812 Claiborne St.

If you are able at Quirk Gallery @5:45 to sell between the hours of 6-9pm. Look for Ashleigh Hobson and Sara D'Eugenio. (Hobson: 805-708-6339...Sara: 703-517-4134)

Thanks yall!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First Post: Hallway Display Cases and Additional Info.

Hello all!!
We had one of our first panel discussions in Paul's class today. Almost everyone in Paul's class is a member to this blog, if you know of those who aren't...Tom or Paul must invite them, I believe. So GET IN!! :-)

All post on this blog will be made by the Admin. Panel. If information needs to be brought up please see the Admin. Panel and we will post on the blog to avoid confusion for multiple posts, etc. Email address would be the best way to communicate to the Admin. Panel and however one decides to communicate within their own panel will be up to each panel. This blog is for overall communication for both Senior Portfolio classes.
Administrative Panel is: Niki Cash, Patrick Phillips, Sarah Hauser, Anna Tingle and Michael Archer

So far, our section (Paul's) has compiled a roster of everyone in our class, we are just waiting on the list from Tom's section. I will post the complete roster by the end of this week.

This semester, using the display cases in the hallways to present Senior work is not mandatory, but definitely appreciated. I'm sure you all can agree, we enjoy seeing work in the cases. Again, it is not mandatory, but we would like to work out a schedule so everyone can present their work in the hallway this semester. If you are interested in presenting your current Senior Port. pieces please email me. (Niki Cash: ALL EMAILS PERTAINING TO DISPLAY CASES NEED TO BE SENT NO LATER THAN 10:00 AM: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10.
Work presented must be "gallery ready". This includes, mounting and/or framing etc. Tags will be made by one individual to keep the cohesiveness of all the work shown.

In the email please include the following:
1) # Amount of images (not prices), and sizes
2) Name of artist
3) Titles of work(s)
4) Date(s) created
5) Will you include an artist statement?

Once I've received emails by February 10th myself and the other Admin. Panel will compile an organized list and schedule of setup and breakdowns for each member participating. We will post this list/schedule on the blog by, Thursday, February 11th and the display rotations will begin on Monday, February 15th.

Finally, for now at least... later tonight I will post information about a proposed bake sale in the making for THIS FIRST FRIDAY (2/5/2010) ***VERY SOON*** So look for it!!!

I am really excited about this semester, I can't wait for awesome work, hard work and most importantly team work! Get pumped we are going to have the best show and semester yet! :-) HOORAY!

-Cash ;-)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Important Dates


Exhibition Panels Designated posted on Exhibition Blog contact fellow panel members and setup meeting schedules outside of class


Bake Sale Planning


Valentine Bake Sale


Exhibition Venue -  List of top choices for Exhibition Venue posted on Exhibition Blog

Professional Review - List of  15  professional reviewers to contact posted on Exhibition Blog


Exhibition Venue -  Presentation of 2 top choices visited for Exhibition (include costs and pics of layout) Venue posted on Exhibition Blog

March Bake Sale


Exhibition Book - Costs, Image Tech Requirements, Company Options posted on Exhibition Blog

Exhibition Postcards - Costs, Image Tech Requirements, Company Options posted on Exhibition Blog

Poster Designs - 2-3 Design options to be submitted to exhibition Blog and  professors for approval posted on Exhibition Blog

Exhibition Venue - Presentation of final choice of Venue for Exhibition (all arrangements made with lease and insurance) posted on Exhibition Blog

Professional Review  - highlight candidates for professional review (bio, dates and times available) posted on Exhibition Blog


Final Postcard Design Template and Information - post on Exhibition Blog

Professional Review  - finalized list for professional review (scheduled times available) posted on Exhibition Blog


Exhibition Book - final decisions on design, cost,  and printing company posted on Exhibition Blog

Exhibition Postcards - final decisions on design, cost,  and printing company posted on Exhibition Blog


April Bake Sale


Printed Poster Design Proof submit to Instructor

Dummy Exhibition Book submit to Instructor

Exhibition Postcard Package submit to Instructor

Professional Review - detailed list of duties, schedule, and personnel working event posted on Exhibition Blog

4/19-4/24 (one of these days)

Professional Review


Exhibition Venue- detailed list of schedule, and personnel working to prepare and clean up venue posted on Exhibition Blog


Juried Exhibition Opening


Marketing/Promotion/Funding Panel: 
Cassie Mulheron
Rebecca Arnold
Ashleigh Hopson
Griffin Davis
Sara D'Eugenio

Administration/Planning Panel:
Michael Archer
Sarah Hauser
Patrick Phillips
Nicole Cash
Anna Tingle
Chris Pittman

Exhibition/Juror Panel:
Kaitlin Vaughn
Shannon Crooks 
Erin Robertson
Justin Lewis
Dena Sussman

Event Coordinators/ Refreshments Panel:
Fallon Williams
Janpim Wolf 
Karen Carlson
Jennifer White
Courtney Mannion 
Cassie Meier 
Amber O'Hara

Book/Postcard Panel:
Kerry McDonald
Jake Cunningham
Arlie Trowbridge
Ashley Selbe 
John Cameron 
Marion Glass